Chapter 9: Falling For You

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As the team had a bit of a gap before they could go to find Vandal Savage, Leonard had been in his quarters. Since they had returned from Oregon and Nanda Parbat after Mick had revealed himself as Chronos, Leonard seemed rather quiet, and distant.

"Have you had a chance to chat with Mr. Snart yet?" Rip asked Sara as she had been sitting in one of the chairs in the main room of the wave rider. She glances up to see Rip curious as to what he was getting at. "I've spoken to him earlier yeah. Why?" She asked suddenly feeling worried.

"You two seem to be getting close right?" Sara stayed quiet a few minutes. Hesitating how she should respond. Since they were locked in the room and practically froze to death, her and Leonard had become closer. And Rip as well as the other team members, had begun to notice this. They seemed to be the two closest team members next to Stein and Jefferson. "Yes. I guess we are.. What are you getting at Rip?" He takes a deep breath. "Close as in possibly like Kendra and Carter?" He asked ignoring her question. Sara took a deep breath. It hadn't exactly occurred to her that they were becoming something more. If they were. Leonard hadn't said anything. But then again she hadn't either. "I don't know.. I mean.. Maybe..." She muttered. "I know that you two haven't enacted on it yet Sara. But I need to tell you. And please realize I'm doing this for your safety. You don't know what the time masters are capable of. Just be careful when it comes to such relationships.." Sara raises her eye slightly curious as to what Rip said. "What do you mean? What are the time masters capable of?" Rip shook his head and turned away to look away from Sara. "Nothing." He muttered. "I just wanted to warn you. They don't really encourage for two time masters to.. To love each other..."

Sara looks at Rip closely staying quiet for a long time. "That is what happened with you and Miranda isn't it?" Rip closed his eyes momentarily. "You're dismissed miss Lance.." Sara stayed where she was watching Rip a few more minutes before getting up to leave.

As Sara began to walk to her quarters she began to think. Was Rip right? Even Ray seemed to think.. And the other day, after Nanda Parbat, she could see that Leonard was going to kiss her, if they weren't interrupted by Ray. But could she love someone like Leonard? Who's to say that when they returned home, if they returned home, he wouldn't pick right back up on his old habits? Sara took a deep breath and knocked at the door. When she didn't hear any answer she narrowed her eye slightly. Having an idea where he might be, she made her way to the cells where they were holding Mick. She stopped as she rounded the hall, staying behind the wall as she could hear the two speaking. She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop but it was an old habit of hers.

"It's the girl isn't it?" Mick's voice asked Leonard. Leonard looked at his partner a little surprised. "What do you mean?" Mick rolled his eyes. "Come on Snart. Don't start playing dumb now. I've seen the two of you together. And when I aimed fire at her, you were very protective of her..." Leonard glared at his partner. "Nobody's changed me Mick. I'm still the same person you met in prison. However, you have changed..."

Sara's heart was pounding fast as she listened in to the conversation. Leonard stayed quiet a few minutes thinking. He did care for Sara. Maybe even loved her. And other people it seems seemed to have noticed. Everyone except the two of them themselves. But did Sara love him? He had wanted to tell her for awhile now. But he wasn't sure that she felt the same way.

"I have never changed Snart. You knew from the get go that I wasn't in to coming on this mission. And neither were you. Now stop avoiding my question." Sara leaned back against the wall closing her eyes as she listened.

Leonard took a deep breath. "Alright. You're right. Perhaps certain events that have taken place lately have got me to second guessing. Have got me regretting on the life I've chosen to live. But it's not like I can tell her Mick. I don't even know if she feels the same.... Let alone if we will make it alive out of this mission." Mick looked at his partner and gave a small shrug. "Guess you will never know if you don't ask."

Leonard looks at his partner staying quiet a few minutes. "So you think I should tell her?" Leonard asked looking a bit surprised at his partners comment. "I didn't say that exactly..." Mick rolled his eyes. "Now leave.. I've had enough of this lovey dovey talk.." He said starting to get in one of his bad moods.

Leonard let out a sigh. At least Mick seemed to be progressing slightly. He was for once able to have a full conversation with him. As Sara heard Leonard's footsteps coming her direction, she took off at a run back towards her quarters so she wouldn't be caught.

Once Sara reached her room, she leaned back against the wall closing her eyes slightly. "Hey. You okay?" Sara opened her eyes, her heart pounding as she heard the familiar voice. "Snart? How's Mick doing?" She asked. Leonard slowly steps into the room. "He's doing okay. I'm still not sure if he's doing better, or if it's something he wants us to believe." Sara steps away from the wall and approaches Leonard placing her hand on his shoulder. "He will be fine. I'm sure of it.."

Leonard grinned a little. "You seem so confident.." Sara shrugged a little. "I'm not always. Most the time I'm terrified. Of what could happen." Leonard looks at her. "Nothing's going to happen." Sara smirked a little. "Now who seems to be sure of themselves?" Leonard smirked back a bit then took a deep breath. "I'm not always so sure of things..." He said quietly more to himself than Sara.

Sara looks at him curiously but didn't want to push it. She knew exactly what he meant. "You know that if you need to, you can tell me anything right?" Sara asked finally. Leonard nodded. "I know that. It's just. This is something I'm not sure about yet. And I want to know for sure before I tell you." She nods. "I understand.." She said quietly. She turned to go back into her room letting him know she was dismissing him.

Leonard took a deep breath. It was now or never. He thought. "Sara.." He reached for her arm. She turned around looking at him raising her eye slightly. "Yes?" He took a deep breath and was about ready to speak when they heard footsteps at her quarters. "Rip wants us in the main room." Leonard sighed a little and looked at Stein. "Of course he does." He muttered. He let go of Sara's arm then turned to exit the room once again with Sara following.

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