Chapter 5: Something Stirring Inside

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After the ordeal at the bar, and the wave rider was no longer in danger, Sara made sure to see that Kendra was safe, then headed towards her quarters.  She needed to be alone for awhile.  She was more worried about being around others these days.  She didn't want to hurt anyone more than she already had.  She was laying on her back on her cot, looking up at the ceiling, letting her mind wander when she heard the knock at the door.

Sara turned her head slightly letting her thoughts disappear.  "Come in."  She muttered.  As the door opened, she looked surprised to see Leonard Snart standing at the entrance.  Out of all the members, she was not expecting him.  She quickly sits up and sits on the ledge of the bed.  "Mr. Snart.."  She said as he entered into her quarters without even asking.  "No. Name's Cold.  Mr. Snart was my father."  He said walking further into her quarters and sits down next to her on the ledge of the bed.

She glances over looking at the man curiously.  "What can I do for you?"  She asked.  Leonard hesitated.  As he wasn't really a man to show much emotion.  There had only been the selective few.  Mick and his sister Lisa.  He took a deep breath almost feeling slightly nervous being around the blonde.  "I wanted to make sure you were okay."  "I'm doing just fine..."  Snart raises his eye slightly.  He was most certain she wasn't exactly telling the truth.  But he knew when not to pry.  "I don't suppose you play cards?"  He asked holding out a deck pulling it from his coat pocket.

Sara smirked a little.  "Are you kidding?  I became a pro while I was on Lian Yu."  Sara slid back so she could lean her back on the right side of the wall and Cold did the same leaning his back on the opposite end.  He looks at her as he starts dealing the cards out for poker.  He smirked back.  "Well then.  I guess I will find out if you are right or not won't I?" 

"Sounds like a challenge.  And you should know, I don't back down from those easily."  She said as she began to pick up her cards that he dealt her.  "Believe me Lance. I can see that perfectly clear."  He had come to check to see that she was okay after the whole bar scene.  He didn't plan on sticking around long.  But suddenly he found himself enjoying spending time with her even if it had just been for a short time.  And he enjoyed the conversation they were having and didn't want to leave.

"Do you really think that we can pull this off like Rip thinks?  I mean.  Stein and Ray.  I can understand them being a part of this mission.  But Mick and myself..  I just don't know..."  Sara looks up at him as she hears his question.  She takes a deep breath.  "In all honesty?  I myself wasn't sure I wanted to come.  I didn't think that I could become a hero.  Heroes don't kill.  And I have killed plenty.  Rip being a time master.  I am sure he must know this.  Which is why I don't know why he chose me..  But.  My sister convinced me.  She thinks that we will be able to do something great."

"But you're not a killer anymore.  And it wasn't really something you could help.  I heard Rip saying that you were brought back to life by something called the Lazarus Pit."  Sara bit her lip.  Just like Oliver, she didn't like talking about what happened to her on Lian Yu.  "Even before the Lazarus Pit, I have killed before Snart.  And those times, I knew what I was doing."  He gives Sara a quick glance.  He could see the conversation was getting to her.  "You did what you had to do to survive.  We all have to at some point..."  Sara looks at him as he lays his hand down.  She could see just how heartless and cold he really was.  She could see he had no emotions at all.  "Full house.."  He smirked.  Sara smirked back as she laid her hand down.  "Four of a kind.."  Snart narrowed his eyes a little.  "What about best out of five."  He said trying to lighten the mood a little. He hadn't intended on coming here to make Sara feel worse.  But he had. 

As Sara and Cold had continued to play some more hands, they heard a knock at the door.  "Get ready you two."  Rip ordered.  Cold picked up his cards and placed the deck back in his pocket.  The two of them hopped off the bed and followed their captain out of Sara's quarters.  "Where to next?"  Sara asked as they made their way to the main room of the wave rider.  "Washington DC..  1986..."  He said.  Gideon had already placed in the coordinates by the time they got to their seats and buckled up.  Once everyone was settled in, Rip pulled the gear to head to Washington DC.

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