Chapter 4: Weird In the 70's

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As the wave rider began to take off, Jackson had begun to wake up feeling the jolts from the rough ride. "What the! What the hell Stein!" He scowled giving the professor a hard glare. However, until they landed it was all he could say.

"I may or may not have put something in your drink." Stein muttered his answer to Jackson once the wave rider had come to the stop. "You roofied me!" Jackson glared. "In my defense..." Stein began but they were dropped by Rip's voice. "Gentleman! Please! We don't have time for petty arguments.." Once Rip explained what was going to happen, most of the team except for Mick, Jackson, Leonard and Sara had gone with Rip to the college.

It had been a couple of hours since Rip and most of the team had left to go find professor Boardman at the college. Rip had ordered Mick, Jackson, Leonard and Sara to stay on the ship to keep an eye on things there while they were gone.

Leonard was sitting in one of the seats when he heard his partner Mick speak up. "Who knew that the 70's could be so boring.. I say we go check out the place.." "Sir. You heard the captain's orders.." Gideon's voice called from the intercom. "Shut it goody tushu's.." Mick's gruff voice told her.

"I would be down with that!" Jackson said excitedly. Though he wasn't thrilled Stein had drugged him to get him here, he was somewhat curious about the whole time travel ordeal. Leonard stood up from his seat and placed a hand out in front of his partner. "Normally I would agree with you. But.." Mick rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you've grown soft on me.." Mick said interrupting his partners sentence. Sara stood up. "I'm with Jackson and Mick. We can't do anything here anyways until they return. Besides. What harm can we cause by just going for a short stroll to check out the place? Aren't you curious about what it's like?" Sara asked looking at Leonard.

Leonard let out a small sigh. "Looks like I've been outnumbered.. Fine but only because I have a feeling you two are going to do it anyways. And someone needs to keep an eye on you." Mick rolled his eyes. Sara smirked hearing Leonard's response. "I have the perfect outfit."

After Sara was ready, the four of them began to make their way out of the wave rider. "Woah. Hold it.." Mick extended his hand out to stop Jackson. "You're too young to be in the pubs yet. You can't handle being out with this crowd yet boy." Jackson gave Mick a glare. "Oh come on!" Mick glares back in return before continuing to exit the ship with Sara and Leonard. "I told him I'd look after you! Don't make me use my gun on you!" He said as he left. Though Jackson hated being left behind, he didn't have much of a choice and stayed in the wave rider muttering to himself.

Once the trio walked their way into the bar, they took a quick scan around. It was rather busy for an early afternoon. "Wow.. Look at you! You're dressed rather sharp!" A long black haired woman said as they passed the trio looking at Leonard who was wearing his usual winter blue jacket with the fur on the hood. Sara looked over at the woman rolling her eyes as she watched the woman brush past them not waiting for Leonard to make a snide remark back. Surprisingly, Sara had noticed he tended to ignore the woman.

"I'll go get us some drinks." Mick said heading over to the bar. After a few seconds later, Mick came back handing Sara and Leonard a bottle of beer. "Who wants to listen to some Captain and Tennille?" Sara and Leonard gave him a look as if to say. Who the hell are they? "My mother used to listen to them. A lot.." He said emphasizing on the word a lot. Not waiting for their reply, Mick went over to the jukebox and pressed a number on a selection.

"Want to dance Leonard?" Sara asked as the song Love Will Keep Us Together came on. Leonard raises his eye slightly. It was tempting to dance with the blonde. But he wasn't much of a dancer. He would only make a fool of himself. "You go ahead. I'll watch.." He told her. Sara gave him a small shrug then handed her drink over to him. "Suit yourself..." She said as she made her way to the center of the floor and began to sway her hips to the beat of the music. Leonard took a sip of his beer as he began to watch her, even more tempted to go dance with her, though he wasn't sure why at that moment. He would never know that he would come to start liking the blonde. He turns his head slightly to look over at Mick seeing that he himself was enjoying the view. Which would've surprised the hell out of Leonard. Mick really only cared for himself. And he never could see him with anybody.

As Sara had begun to dance, a man who was even bigger built than Mick, approached her, giving the woman a small nudge. Leonard watched closely as he could already see where this was heading. He knew of Sara's blood lust. And you didn't want to be one to piss the blonde off. However, this man was going to be in for a rude awakening.

"Can I help you with something?" Sara asked looking annoyed at the man that he had just ruined her fun. The man gave the woman a smirk. "How about you and me, take it out in the parking lot..." Sara raises her eye. "I'm sorry. You're not my type.." She stole a quick glance towards the counter to where a girl was sitting a few stools down. "Your lady friend however... Well..." Before Sara could finish her sentence, the man attempted to throw a punch at Sara. She of course saw this coming and had ducked on time to miss it. The man was stunned enough where she had time to grip his arm and give it a twist backwards. Leonard was about to go and help her when Sara turned to look at him and Mick. "I've got this." She said holding up her hand. Leonard gave her a small nod and stayed where he was enjoying the show as he watched Sara continuing to fight the man who was half her size.

Once Sara had finished taking down the man, she glanced down with a small smirk on her face. Unfortunately, the man had buddies and they got ready to take Sara out. As she began to wrestle with one of them, she turned her head slightly to look at the two partners. "Now I could use your help.." At those words, Leonard and Mick didn't give a second thought. The two of them both went in for the attack.

"I'll get the car ready while you hold them off!" Mick said to Sara and Leonard yelling practically so they could hear him. Leonard passed Mick the keys and Mick took off to get the car ready. "Come on!" Leonard yelled to Sara a couple seconds later as he realized Sara was starting to get in over her head and out of control. However, she was too focused on her attacks to hear him. "Sara!" He yelled grabbing her hand pulling her away from the crowd. Sara whipped around ready to make an attack on whoever grabbed her but had calmed down seeing Leonard. She sighed a little then let him quickly lead her out of the bar and to the car. Once the two were inside, Mick hit the gas and brought them back towards the wave rider.

However, when they got there, they had noticed it was being under an attack. "Jackson!" Sara said and quickly got out of the car. Leonard and Mick grabbed their guns and aimed them at the intruders as Sara went to help fight off some of them who had a hold of Stein. Once the fight was over, Leonard and Mick followed the others back onto the ship to take an injured Kendra and professor Boardman into the medical bay. "We leave for one innocent drink and you have managed to pick a fight." Leonard smirked as they set Kendra down on the small bed so she could get worked on. Leonard of course expected a few glares from the others. Knowing he wasn't going to be of any help there, he exited the bay to go check and see how Sara was doing. He wasn't sure why. But he suddenly began to feel quite concerned for the woman.

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