Chapter 7: Allies and Betrayals

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"Gideon, has there been any word on Vandal Savage's whereabouts?" Rip asked for the hundredth time, annoyed that they had lost him. "Not yet captain.." Gideon's voice came through the intercom. "Well search harder!" He hissed.

As Rip was trying to figure out where and when Savage was located, Sara had stayed in her quarters. It was one of those off days for her. She didn't really want to speak with anyone. Since she had spoken to Leonard about some of the memories on Lian Yu, some more memories of the island that she was trying to forget tried to resurface. Sara could feel her blood lust start to boil with each memory starting to come to her. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath in an attempt to clear the memories and relax.

Sara had finally fallen asleep after awhile, once the voices in her head began to settle. But after awhile, those thoughts seemed to enter her mind again and she began to toss and turn. "No.. No. No!.." She mumbled not realizing she was beginning to talk louder in her sleep. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jolted awake, getting ready for the attack. She sighed in relief to see a worried Leonard sitting on the ledge of her cot. "Snart? What are you doing here?" She asked looking slightly confused suddenly to where she was.

"I was passing by to check on the update with Rip and I could hear you from outside the halls. I wanted to make sure you were okay. I tried knocking but you seemed quite out of it." Sara narrowed her eye a little. "How long have you been here?" "Just for a few minutes.." Sara looks at Leonard closing her eyes slightly. "I haven't gotten much rest since I got off that island. Every time I close my eyes.." She shakes her head slightly. "I thought I had been able to bury those thoughts." Leonard stayed quiet a few minutes. "You've been dealt with a lot worse than me. But the memories unfortunately don't fade. Take it from someone who knows. I've tried a million times to forget what my father did to me and my sister."

Sara had noticed that with Leonard just simply being there, her bloodlust seemed to have settled down. "The blood lust was worse. It's getting worse.. Everytime I think about that place.. I haven't lost control since Rip and I had gone to the bank. But it's getting worse again. I'm not sure I will be able to stop next time."

"You will.. Because I will be there to help you." Cold said not really realizing what he was saying. He was about to slowly reach his hand out to place over hers when they felt the wave rider jolt. He narrowed his eye slightly. "What the hell?" Sara quickly got up and followed him out to the main room. "Rip what's going on?"

Rip glances over at Sara and Leonard. "I was making an attempt to see where Vandal Savage may be located." As Rip was about to explain some more, an sos came through Rip's intercom. "Another time ship?" Sara asked curiously. "You two and Mick will stay here to help keep an eye on things. If Mr. Stein, Mr. Jackson and myself aren't back within the hour, you need to take the Wave rider out, to keep anyone else from coming on. Understood?" Sara and Leonard take a quick glance at each other. "But Rip..." Rip glares at the two. "Give me your word." He says sternly. Sara sighed and gave a small nod. "Got it."

The two of them watched as the three stepped off the wave rider to go help the other ship who was in need of help. Sara stayed waiting silently for the others to return in the correct time limit. "Do you think we should go after them?" Sara asked looking at Cold. As Cold was about to reply to her comment, they could hear footsteps coming from around the corner. Sara sighed a little hoping it was Rip and the rest of the team. But once they saw who came around the corner, Leonard quickly stepped ahead of Sara to protect her.

"Who are you?" Leonard hissed. He glanced over at the time to see if he had accidentally gone over the time that Rip had allowed them to give them. They had half an hour yet before they should have had to set the wave rider. "They're time pirates.." Kendra said coming up from behind them. At the first lunge of attack, Sara quickly went to attack back along with the others. As Sara was fighting off the one pirate, the other managed to aim fire, hitting the ship damaging the hull. After doing so, the Pirates left but not before managing to get a hold of Mick. "Mick!" Leonard began to go after them but Stein held them back. "What are you doing!" Leonard growled at Stein rounding on him. "We need to go after Mick!" "We need to get the hull fixed. Come on.." Sara said grabbing Leonard's hand and leading him towards the hull.

Once they made their way to the hull, Leonard began to pace back and forth. "I need to get to my partner Sara. There is no other option..." Sara glances up at him and slowly goes over to Leonard placing a hand on his shoulder. "We will get to him. Ray will send a signal to Rip and the others. And they will go rescue Mick..."

She walks over to the section of the hull that was damaged and began to observe it. "I think I know what's wrong.." Leonard rolled his eyes. "No shiz Sherlock." He muttered sarcastically. Sara looks up and glares at him. She was about ready to make a remark back when they both heard the sound of the door closing. "Wait.. Did they?.." Sara quickly goes up to the door and glances down to see one of the Pirates who had still been on the ship. "Damn it!" She hissed. "They're still on the wave rider! We need to warn Ray and Kendra!"

"And how do you suppose we are going to do that when we are trapped in here?" Leonard said looking at Sara. He leaned his back against the door as Sara began to pound at the door in hopes that someone was nearby to let them out. But she was sure that by now they would be once again occupied with the Pirates.

"It's no use.." Leonard stated as Sara continued to pound and yell at the door. "They won't be able to hear us." Sara suddenly whipped around glaring at Snart. "Well you could be more useful in trying to help!" She snapped. Sara suddenly began to pound at the door again. Her mind suddenly began to slip. "Someone help me please!" She pounded at the door. She had almost forgotten that Leonard was standing there right next to her. "Please help me! You can't just leave me here!" Suddenly Snart realize what was happening. Sara was letting her mind flash back to when she was on the island.

"Sara! Sara!" He watched as she suddenly pulled back from the door and let her body slump down to the ground. "No! Olie!" He noticed her trying to reach for something to hang on to. "Sara!" He yelled again going to grab her. She made an attempt to flail out of his arms before she realized where she was and who had a hold of her. She took a deep breath trying to calm down, noticing that it had suddenly got colder within the few minutes that they had been here. "Hey.. You're alright. We are going to get out of here. Someone is going to come and find us.." He said pulling her in close for a hug to find she was shivering already.

As Sara felt Leonard's arms wrap around her, sitting down next to her, she leaned in close to him to keep herself warmer. Ironic as his name is Cold. But she felt warmer already just leaning in close to him. She had noticed that his touch seemed to calm down her blood lust. Even just thinking about him had.

The two of them had stayed silent for quite some time. She wasn't really sure what to say to him at the moment. Sara could feel her mind starting to suddenly slip away as the air continued to leak out. "A.. Are you afraid of dying?" Sara asked starting to stutter as the cold began to affect her further. Leonard stayed quiet a few more minutes. Getting slightly caught off guard. "I was always one to live on the dangerous edge. But I would've never gone as far as to do something dangerous enough that would kill me..." He glanced down at her. He could see she was getting colder faster. All she had on was jeans and a light red sweater. He had his winter jacket. "And what about you?"

"W. What about me?" She asked. Leonard closed his eyes slightly. Hoping that someone, anyone would come and find them. At least before it was too late for Sara. "Here..." He leaned back slightly to shrug his jacket off and gently placed it around her shoulders. She looks up slightly at him a little surprised at the gesture. "Y.. You don't need to do that.." "It's the least I can do.."

Sara took a deep breath. "You know. It. It's funny. You think for someone who's died before, twice, wouldn't be afraid. But knowing how it ends.. Though I try not to look it, I am terrified.." She felt Leonard wrap his arms back around her and pulled her close for a hug. "I am sure you have an interesting perspective. What's it like? Dying?" He wasn't really trying to be rude about it. But he needed to know for himself. At least, his worse fear of dying alone wasn't going to be coming true. At least though he hated the thought, at least he had Sara with him.

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