Chapter 2: Leonard

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"Come on, let's go!" Mick's gruff voice came from nearby Leonard. As his partner tried to brush past him to head towards the bank they were planning on making their next move on, Leonard grabbed a hold of his arm. "Not just yet my friend." Leo said in his cool exterior voice.

Mick turned back at his partner giving him a cold glare. "That entrance was wide open!" He growled. Snart rolled his eyes. "Patience. I have a plan." It was now Mick's turn to roll his eyes. "You always have a plan. And where have those plans gotten you?"

Leonard glared at the man, then waited awhile, more so just to irritate Mick more. Just because he knew he could. Mick looked tough, and acted tough, but inside, Snart knew he somewhat cared. Once Leo knew it was completely free to enter the bank, he motioned for his partner to follow. Both of them having a grip on their guns should anything go awry before they entered the building.

"Freeze!" Leo yelled holding up his cold gun at the workers and other people inside before he held his gun up to be ready in case. He let out a laugh seeing the surprised expressions on the now hostages faces. That never gets old. He thought. Leo nodded to his partner Mick, letting him know he had only a certain amount of time to grab as much cash as he could before the alert went off notifying the police.

Once Snart heard the alarm, he cursed himself. Hurry up Mick! He glances out the window to see the building being surrounded by cops. "Freeze!" He heard someone yell. Snart smirked as he turned around to see the cop holding a gun in his hands pointing it at him. "Ironic you should say that. I was going to say the same for you.." He holds up his cold gun and pulled the trigger sending a blast of ice towards the man.

Once Leonard saw Mick finally return, he gave him a cold glare and grabbed him to make a run for the back exit. "I told you we didn't have long!" He hissed at his partner. Mick glared back at him. "I got the job done didn't I?" The two of them quickly ran towards the back exit.

Once they exited the bank, they took off at a run to head back to their hideout, only to find someone had already beaten them to it. "Who are you?" Mick's gruff voice came from behind Snart again. Mick was one step ahead of Leo when it came to pointing his fire gun towards the stranger. "My name is Rip Hunter." The man said looking at the two criminals with a cautious look extending his hands to show the men he meant no harm.

"What do you want..." Cold asked cautiously keeping his gun raised. Rip could see that this wasn't going to go very smoothly. He took out his gun and pointed it towards the two thieves making a bright light appear in front of them before watching them fall to the ground.

Some time later, Cold finally woke up to see he was in a different place, his partner had been laying knocked out in front of him. "Mick?" To his left was professor Stein. This surprised him even more. "Stein? What are you doing here?" Before professor Stein could speak, a voice came from nearby. "I brought you all here." Mick finally sat up next to him blinking a few times to get his vision focused. "What do you want?" He asked Rip again with a low growl to his voice. I don't like that guy. He thought to himself.

After RIp explained to them about the man of the name of Vandal Savage, the others stole a quick glance towards each other, all of them thinking the same thing. "And you choose us as the lucky recipients to help you take this man down.." Cold said with sarcasm in his voice. Rip sighed a little. "Look at it this way. It'll give you a chance to be heroes. Not only heroes. But legends in your time..." Cold rolled his eyes and brushed past Rip motioning for Mick to follow him. "Hero ain't on my resume." He said in his cool voice. "Look. Just. Give it a night to think about it." Rip gave the team the address of where to meet him if they had changed their minds before taking his leave.

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