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July 26, 2014
New York, New York
Kehlani Ashley Parrish

I still light up to get a little higher

To get out of my feelings

I'm still tore up, and I don't want to OD on you

"Cut it, cut all of it," I said frustrated. Jahaan, my producer, just sat there. "I don't want it, don't like it, just cut it." He looked at me hesitant. I felt my tears coming. Fuck.

"Hey Lani I got yo- wait what's wrong?" Edward looked at me confused. I shook my head indicating nothing trying so suck up my tears. He walked over to me about to hug me. I put my hand up stopping him. "Start it over Jahaan," I said walking back into the booth remembering what my aunt told me. Raw emotions make the best music.

We messed up, been around

We came up, held it down

We straight up, no one can say I ain't stay around

No games played, don't play around

And I was there, don't fuck around, you know I know

I ain't supposed to tell you I still love you

I ain't supposed to let you know I'm hurting

I'm tryna keep my problems to myself




Bri and Ed sat outside with Jahaan holding a shocked expression on their faces. I hadn't told them that me and Jahron aka PARTYNEXTDOOR had officially ended everything yesterday so they were confused as to what I was singing about. Of course, me and Jah had our issues, but I never thought we'd end it. Tears streamed down my face as I became overwhelmed with the whole situation.

I just think it's best if we end this so called relationship and go our separate ways. I have my music to focus on.

His words replayed in my mind. I thought he and I were good, I thought we were finally on a good path and he dropped that on me. I pulled myself together and walked out the booth. I sat down on the couch explaining the situation to them. When I finished, Bri, Edward, and Jahaan immediately pulled me into a hug all staying encouraging words. I needed to smoke.

Pulling away from the hug, I started to grab my things to leave. "Send me that J," I whispered walking past him, he nodded. Bri and Ed said their bye's to Jahaan and we started to head out. I lowered my head staring at the ground trying to pull myself together before we got out of here. I had rehearsals and I didn't have time for people trying to give me their pity.

"Ooh look it's Rihanna," Bri spotted out. I looked up and Rih was looking at me with a smirk. She winked at me and I rolled my eyes aggressively. She knows what she's doing. Ever since our run in at the photo shoot place, she'd seemed to be everywhere I was and everytime she'd have a smart comment and frankly, today was not the day for her rude ass comments.

"Hey Bri, babymoms and Ed" Rih's friend, Melissa said coming over to us. From the little conversation she and I have had, she's been hella cool. "Hey Mel," We all said and I put on a little smile. "I'm telling Nicki you cheating on her," Edward crazy ass said. I giggled. "Ion care 'cause Nic been cheating on me anyweys," Mel said with a pout putting her arm around my shoulder. I just stood there giggling a little. "How do Rihanna feel knowing you calling her future yo babymoms though," Ed messy ass always gotta start. "This is where this ends, Edward you are dismissed!" Bri said dragging him away.

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