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August 16, 2014
New York, New York
Kehlani Parrish

I woke up to the sun peeking through the curtains. Taking in my surroundings, I felt somebody on me. It was almost 4 in the afternoon. Damn we missed a lot. I looked down and saw Robyn peacefully sleeping. She must be tired from yesterday. I gently got up making sure not to wake her but failed.

"Where are you going?" She asked groggily. "Making something to eat, I know you're tired just go back to bed." She nodded and snuggled with the pillow I'd used. My phone started to ring and she groaned. I picked it up going into the restroom. "Speak,"

"You go disappearing for the night and then answer the phone like that? Where are y'all at? Why'd y'all leave?" Nicki annoyingly asked. Sometimes she's really irritating and inconsiderate. "Something came up." I asked grabbing my toothbrush.

"Something like what? You guys promised!" I rolled my eyes.

"Look I don't have time for your pissy crybaby attitude today. Something came up end of conversation. Now if you'd allow me to, I have shit to do," with that I hung up the phone.

I didn't want to be rude to her but I really wasn't in the mood for that today. I just wanted to make sure Robyn relaxed and that she was okay, that was my main priority right now. After brushing my teeth, I went down stairs and started to cook some food for Robyn and I. Walking down the stairs, I looked at my notifications. I had 2 missed calls from Melissa. 6 missed calls from Edward. 12 from Nicki, 1 from Noodles, and 1 from Simone. I didn't bother to anyone call back. I pulled out some stuff to cook and started on that.

I heard moving behind me and turned around to see Rih sitting in a seat at the island with her head down. "You good?" She nodded and looked up," Ya really have no idea how much all this means to me. I know ya have shit to do with ya music and shit and ya have to go back to LA tomorrow and instead of doing all dat ya making sure I'm ok... I heard ya talking to Nic," I just smiled. It was nice to know that I was appreciated. "It's really not a big of a deal," she noddded.

"It is fa me though," by that time I was done cooking. I made her a plate then made mines. As I handed her the plate, my phone went off again.

"Hey I'm jus callin to make sure Rob is good. She's not answerin the phone as alweys," Melissa said. I looked at Rih. "She's fine, she just needs a break right now." "Alright tell ha I love her and take care of her," I nodded like she could see me. "Will do." And with that she hung up. I relayed the message to her and sat my plate in the microwave. I wasn't really hungry. I went back upstairs and laid in the bed falling into my restless thoughts.

I wonder if Robyn and I would ever have more than friendlationship. I've never seen her with anyone other than Chris and you see how that turned out. What if I fall hard for her and she doesn't want me the way I want her? I don't want to look stupid by thinking we have something if we don't. Maybe I shouldn't be going head first into this situation. Am I even ready for another relationship? I just got out of one and that one ended in me heartbroken. How would my friends feel about me and her being together if that happened? I know Ed and Noodles probably wouldn't care as long as I was happy. Simone too. But what about Yani, Effie, Kachi, Bri, and annoying ass Nicki. Even though she irritates the hell out of me, I care about her opinion. How would my family take it? I've never had the sexuality talk with them to begin with. What if Rih isn't even the type to be tied down?

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