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August 14, 2014
New York, New York

Me, Edward, Noodles, and Jahaan just dropped down in New York and I was too excited. For one, NY's diversity amazes me every time, I don't know why. Two, I get to see Rihanna. I know we'd saw each other a day ago, but I've gotten used to us being around each other 24/7 like we were when she was in Cali.

Honestly, I can feel my feelings developing for her. I just don't want to rush anything between us because I don't get in relationships just do be in them, I get in a relationship to be with that person for the rest of my life. So, if me and Rih ever got to that point in our little "frienlationship" I'd like for that to be completely understood. A while ago when me and Rih were into it, Melissa said that Rob was really feeling me and that I was a good influence on her and at first I was confused but now that I'm learning more about her everyday I see what she was talking about. I can tell Rih has some serious issues going on and I want to be the person to help her if she allows me to. I was brought out of my thoughts when Edward tapped on me. "Damn what the hell you thinking about I've been calling your name for the last 4 minutes," I squinted at him. I didn't even notice I was daydreaming that long. I saw Micah staring at me and I knew that she knew what my issue was so I avoided her gaze. I wanted to keep whatever me and Rih had under wraps until I knew 1000% what I wanted.

We got off the plane and I saw Nicki and Rihanna's friend, Jennifer, leaning on the car talking. For the little time I've known this Jen girl, she hasn't showed me anything out of character so I'm guessing I can stop being so hostile towards her. I don't know why the thought of Rih being with someone else angered me. We all said our hello's and got in the car. Recently, I had bought a little apartment in NY because I come here so often. Plus I had a a few friends that lived out here so it was a win win situation.

Micah and Jahaan would be staying at Micah's cousin place while Ed and I would be at mines. We dropped them off first then Nicki drove to my place. "We don't really have plans but Mel said that they and others would be at Robs place so y'all are most likely invited also," Nicki explained while helping us up. Jen just sat in the car typing on her phone. She hadn't said anything to us the whole ride. Frankly, I didn't give a fuck but if I speak to you, it's common courtesy to respond. Noted. "We might slide through. What's the plans for tomorrow though?" I unlocked the door and walked to my room. I guess Samantha and Simone aren't here. "Im not sure but I'll call you in the morning and let you know," I nodded. "BITCH!!!" I winced at the loud noise but hopped up and gave Simone a hug. Me and Simone are close too. She's a real cool person and she has a genuine heart, that's what I love. I saw Nicki go to the kitchen.

Nicki and Simone didn't get along for some reason. I never understood why. "When did y'all get here," Simone took the blunt from behind her ear and started to light up. "Just now. Where's Sam?" "Work I think." I nodded and we caught up. "Im about to go I have Jen waiting but you remember tonight." "Bet," I gave Nicki a hug and she left.

— — — — — — — —

5 blunts later

Me, Ed, Micah, Jahaan, Simone, and Samantha were on our way to Rih's house. I hadn't talked to her since before my flight. I missed her so much. We pulled up to her place and her bodyguards immediately knew who we were. Sam and Simone were lighting up again. I swear I've never met people who smoke as much as they do. Melissa opened the door and let us in. "Hey everyone's outside in de' back. Straight ahead," She hugged us all and introduced herself to Sim and Sam. Walking out there you immediately smelled weed and alcohol. I laughed to myself, typical Rih. I didn't see her but I did see her cousin Leandra. She was cool too. It was more people that I expected here. Some people were in the pool while others just had their feet in or were talking. I swear I thought I saw Chris Brown but maybe I was tripping. Him and Rih weren't cordial. Were they?

I walked over to where Jhené, Nicki, and Leandra were seated and started up a conversation with them. After a while I saw Rih over by the pool. She looked up and saw me looking at her. She made a face and I laughed. She waved me over to her and I gave her the signal 'hold on'. "I'll be back guys," I told them. "Going to see her boo," Nicki said. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to where Rih was.

"I saw every body else but ya'. Ya' avoiding me?" She put her hands on my waist and pulled me in. I couldn't stop smiling I don't know why. "Nah I didn't see you when I came back here so I went to sit with them." She nodded and looked around. "Hey, can I ask you something." She put her attention back on me, "Yeah wassup?" "You and Chris are friends?" I felt her tense up. "W-why ya' a-a-askin," she was stuttering hard. The hell? "I thought I saw him but why you stuttering? You good?" She removed her hands from my waist and nodded quickly. Mel was walking towards us with a drink in her hand but before she could get over here all the way, Rihanna took her drink out her hand and excused herself.

"Whats ha' issue?" I shrugged. "I thought I saw Chris so I asked her if they were friends and she tripped out," Mel sighed. "Is there something I'm missing?" "I would tell ya' but dats Robs place. Look I'll go get 'er. If ya' see him again, tell Seth." Seth was a bodyguard. I nodded confused. I wonder if she's okay..


K. Im bordt and I don't sleep at night so why not update. 😂😊 Simone is @slickwoods on Instagram. Samantha is @_supimsam on Instagram. Those are her friends in real life too. I might update 1 or 2 more times tonight depending on how I feel. Vote and Comment. Also feel free to give me some music suggestions. I don't fw trap music at all but yeah. 🤘🏾

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