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[A lot of POV changes in this chapter.. just a heads up.]

3 Weeks Later
New York, New York
December 6, 2014
Simone Thompson

Robyn had just left for the 4th time this week, she had to be at the studio in a few. While Kehlani was in Los Angeles, me and Rih actually built a friendship and she was now like a sister to me. Her and Lani were still not on good terms and I wasn't sure if I should tell Keh about us being cool or not. Right now I was on my way to Starbucks, before having to go get Lani.

The line wasn't as long as it usually was but they were moving extremely slow. In front of me was some girl with a lot of hair. She seemed hella familiar. I guess she felt me staring a hole into the back of her head, because she turned around and smiled. When she did that I knew exactly who she was. "Hey Lana, I didn't know you was in New York," we have each other a hug.

"Visiting Tyler, you know how that goes," I wanted to roll my eyes at the sound of his name, but I kept a toothy smile plastered onto my face. I nodded.

"You live in LA right?" She nodded. Maybe her and Kehlani have caught up.

"Just wondering. Kehlani lives out their, y'all are friends right?" She looked like she was thinking the shrugged. She has a cute shrug.

"I'm not really sure. We got into an argument the other day about her being with Karrueche. I don't know why she's with someone who isn't making her happy. I mean its obvious she's in love wit-," she stopped talking looking shocked. "I didn't mean to say all that. Don't tell her I told you, it was supposed to be a fucking secret."

She must not know that I know already. "She's told me about her and Kae but she's in love with Rihanna? She told you?" She shook her head no. Her hair moved when she did that. I wish...

"I see it in her facial expressions. If you bring up Rih around her, her face will automatically go into the guilty look she has when she's done something wrong. And when you ask her how she feels about her, she'll light up and you can see the sparkle in her eyes. They'd be so cute, but she's so goddamn stubborn," Solana rolled her eyes. I laughed, she was being honest.

Of course I wanted my friend to be happy but I can't make decisions for her. She'll just have to suffer until she bosses up and does what she needs to do. Rihanna is obviously still stuck on her and vice versa.

"I've already told her I wasn't going to get involved. She's 21 years old, I can't baby her and walk her through shit," Lana nodded.

"Next person in line," the cashier spoke breaking into our conversation.

"See you later?" she smiled at me. I almost got weak to my knees. I hate Tyler so much. I nodded and she went to order her drink.


December 6, 2014
Los Angeles, California
Karrueche Tran

I sat on the bed as Kehlani packed for New York. She had some photo shoots there. I would be going also but I had some here plus, I had some news.

"Keh," she looked up. She looked so drained and tired. I wish she would just be honest with me and tell me what I already know. "We need to talk.." she nodded zipping up her suitcase.

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