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August 15, 2014
New York, New York

I sped down the streets, avoiding every car in my path and even running lights. I didn't know where I was going but I was getting away from that man. Kehlani held my hand rubbing it in a soothing matter. It calmed me down a bit but I was still on edge. He was so close to me and if it weren't for Mel and Lani I don't know what would've happened. "I still think it's Simone. Are ya' sure she can be trusted?" I asked Kehlani for the 7th time in the last 4 minutes.

She sighed, I guessed annoyed with me asking. "Simone doesn't even know Christopher and she hates him. I never questioned why but she does. If it makes things any better, she can come tell you herself. Im 100% positive it isn't her. It can't be," Kehlani said, "Where are you going?" I shrugged.

"Pull over up here and get in the passenger side," she ordered. I refused immediately, she was not about to drive my car. I've never seen her drive before. Can she even drive? "I don' even know if ya' can drive and ya' want to drive me car? Hell no," she rolled her eyes and unbuckled her seat belt as I pulled over anyways. She got out the car and came over to the drivers side. "I can drive for your information. Come on I wanna take you somewhere," I climbed over the center console to get into the passenger seat.

"Can you turn on some music? No trap," I nodded and connected to the Bluetooth. Scrolling down my music. I stoped when I saw the desired playlist. I pressed it and shuffled the songs. Fire & Desire by Drake came on. I let my seat back and nodded my head to the beat falling into my thoughts.

Why couldn't he just stay away? I had just started to let loose and now I feel like I have to watch my back every second of the day again. I needed a vacation from all this fast life. Somewhere for me and me only, to get myself together and to try to figure these things out on my own. Sometimes I thought about who would be affected if I left. A lot. But I'd be free and I wouldn't have to stress anymore.

"What's wrong Rob?" Kehlani stopped the car and gave me all her attention. She wiped tears I didn't even know I'd had on my cheeks. I pulled myself together in a matter of seconds," nothing. Im good." She gave me a face. "So we just crying to cry now?" I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to talk, last night I'd cried enough tears to replenish the water flow in the Colorado River. Im tired of crying, feeling weak and vulnerable. I didn't respond I just stared at the window. She nodded and started the car back up.

"Ya' mad?" I still didn't look over at her. "No.. I understand if you're not ready to talk yet. You're still processing what happens as I am. Just know I'm always here," she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked over and took in her features. She was so focused on the road to even notice. She lowly hummed the words to the song. Her voice was unique and velvety, sort of like silk. Surprisingly, it calmed my nerves even more. I relaxed in the seat letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I watched as she furrowed her eyebrows when somebody almost cut in front of us. It brought a small smile to my face.

How can someone be so beautiful? Any other person would've had a fit because I didn't want to communicate but she didn't make me do anything. She just wanted to make sure I was okay. "How?" She glanced over at me, "How what?"

"How are ya so perfect? Ya always happy an' ya just care fa everyone? Why?" She looked like she was thinking.

"For one, Im not perfect. At all. And im not always happy. I have emotions just like everyone else. Im human. There are plenty of times where I wanted to give up but, I think, if there's so much anger and hate in this world why add to it? So I just look on the positive side of things and try to make the best out of situations no matter how difficult or messy they are because it could be worst," I just nodded taking in the information.

What was the positive side of my situation? Im being chased after my psycho crackhead ex boyfriend who's obsessed with me for God knows what, I'm an emotional suicidal alcoholic, and I pretended everything was fine every day of my life for the last two years because of my "image". Where's a bright side to that?

"W-what if I can't see the bright side in my situation?"

"Make one," she answered simply,"do something for yourself that makes YOU happy."

What makes ME happy?

August 15, 2014
New York, New York

It was now going on 12 and Robyn was sleeping in the passenger seat. I turned off the car, got out, and walked over to her side. Opening the door, I gently tapped her cooing for her to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes, unleashing her beautiful jade colored eyes. Even in her low moments, she still looked stunning. I grabbed my phone and her phone out the cup holders.

"Where are we?"

"When my birth mom and I were having issues a while back, Samantha brought me here and I ended up buying it just because. Now I hope it'll help you like it helped me," Rih followed behind me taking in the surroundings. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Flicking in the lights, I saw it looked the same as it had when I first came. Relaxing.

"You hungry?" She shook her head no and I nodded. I wasn't too hungry either for some reason. We walked down the hall and I opened the door. "You can take a shower in here and I'll go into the other room. We don't have to leave until you want, I called Mel while you were sleep and told her that you'd be with me." She didn't reply she just went into the restroom and shut the door. I sighed and set out some clothes for her to wear. After putting our phones on the charger, I got my clothes and went to shower.

When I was finished I came back to the room and saw Rih brushing her teeth. I joined her. After that, we just laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. "I appreciate ya being here fa me.. Nobody has ever went out of the way for me like ya do." "I told you I was here through any and everything."

"Can you sing to me?" She asked with sleep evident in her voice. "Sing what?" She shrugged. I took a breath and lowly sung bits and pieces of Nothing Even Matters by Lauryn Hill. After a while, I heard her light snores. I got up turning off all the lights around the place and then got in bed. She moved around a bit, snuggling into my neck holding me tightly like I'd leave. My eyelids began to get heavier and I then fell into a well needed slumber.


Another crybaby chapter. Oh el. Im going to be changing minor things in other chapters, nothing big. Vote and Comment 💗.

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