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2 Months Later
November 7, 2014

Kehlani fake smiled when her girlfriend came out the dressing room. "So babe, what do you think?"

Karrueche and Kehlani had officially gotten together after a few weeks after the studio situation. Nicki didn't tell Rih, but Kehlani did. The guilt was eating her alive and she couldn't smile in her face like everything was okay when it wasn't.

It was obvious Kehlani wasn't happy in her relationship. She felt like if she left Kae and ran back to Robyn, Robyn would reject her and then she'd end up lonely. Yeah, Karrueche was extremely beautiful and attractive but she wanted Rih and all her issues. The whole package. Lani sighed.

"I love it. You look beautiful as always," Karrueche blushed. "So I'll get this and the other and then we can go." She turned around and Kehlani rolled her eyes. She said this 6 outfits ago.

After Kehlani told Rihanna what she did, Rih was pissed at her. Rihanna took it as Kehlani not having feelings she told her she had. How could she open up to someone who was a liar?

Meanwhile in New York, Robyn and Aubrey had started to get close. Yes, Robyn still had feelings for Kehlani but Drake was a good distraction from her. She didn't know that Kehlani and Karrueche were together. Neither of them had confirmed it to the blogs. Some people thought they were just friends while others believed it was more than that.

Simone was the only person who knew about Kehlani and Karrueche being together and was torn between her devolving friendship with Rih and her current friendship with Keh. Although her and Kehlani had known each other longer and were closer, she didn't agree with her friends decision. She wanted Kehlani to be happy but she didn't think Karrueche was it for Kehlani. She also wouldn't say anything about it, Kehlani was a grown woman and would have to figure this out on her own.

"Do you think I should try this on?" Karrueche had came back with yet another outfit. "Go ahead Trese," Kehlani was honestly ready to go but if Kae didn't finish her shopping today, she'd have finish it another day.

Karrueche came out the dressing room with the outfit on. "Yes or no?" Kehlani shook her head no. Karrueche frowned looking down at her outfit," why not?"

"It doesn't bring out your beauty. Plus it's too revealing," Kae huffed. "Well, if you don't like it, I won't get it." She changed and went to the register with a full handed Kehlani following.

The total came out to be $472.86. Kehlani hurried and pulled out her card before Karrueche could pay. Kehlani put her finger up to Karrueche's mouth stopping her from saying what she always said, 'I can pay for myself'.

One thing Kehlani hated about Karrueche was she had to do everything independently, she didn't want anyone to help her. It was admiring and also annoying. Lani grabbed all the bags and rushed out of the mall before Kae could think about going into another store. "You could've at least let me hold a few, you don't have to do everything for me Keh." Kehlani ignored her remarks and opened her door allowing her to get in.


"I'll be back later Rih," Drake said walking out of her house. "Whatever," she muttered. As soon as she heard the door close, she made her way to her office and poured her a cup of Hennessy. Melissa had poured her other bottle down the drain but she somehow got more.

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