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August 11, 2014
Los Angeles, California

"I DON'T WANT TO!" I snickered as I heard her coming behind me. I tried to hurry up and run but I damn near fell down the stairs. I felt her grab me and started yelling help. "Don't call for help now," she laughed. Her laugh was so cute. Honestly, I missed her mean ass. She walked me back into my room and stood by the door. "What now?" "Put some clothes on so we can go down stairs. Edward is probably scaring my friends," I laughed at the thought of his stupid ass.

I grabbed a Star Wars shirt and some sweats. I put them on and got some socks out my drawer. "Happy?" She nodded, "Ecstatic." I grabbed her arm and turned her so her back was a facing me. "What are-" before she could finish I hopped on her back. It caught her off guard but she eventually got stable. "Go horsey," I giggled like a 4 year old kid. "Shut up," she started walking downstairs where I immediately heard Nicki's obnoxious laugh. Jesus fuck. "Look who finally decided to come out of hiding," I heard Noodles say. Rihanna rolled her eyes hard as shit. I thought them bitches was gonna fall out or something. She was going to have to let whatever issue she had with Micah go, me and Micah would never be anything. Micah was my best friend other than Edward. I silently laughed. "I wasn't hiding," I hopped off Rih's back and walked to sit by Edward and Nicki. Ed passed me the blunt he was smoking. "Bitch you can't speak to nobody now?" Mel said. I took a drag and handed it off to Nic and got up. I jumped on Mel, "Hey biiiitch." "Nah nope ," she tried to get me off her, " ya' ain't see me til I said someting." I laughed and looked around. Everybody was here and even some girl. I didn't know who she was but she looked familiar. I guess she saw me looking and introduced herself, "Hey, I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jen," she stuck her hand out. I instantly knew who she was. I look up and over at Rih. She shook her head knowing exactly what I was wondering. Bringing my attention back to Jennifer, I shook her hand hesitantly.

Just because she helped Rih, didn't mean I trusted her. I wanted to know her motive if she had any. "So since everything is happy happy rainbows and unicorns, all of you guise are coming to my event Friday?" I shook my head yes while everyone else agreed. "I wasn't properly invited so.." Mel said. I started to zone out their conversation while staring at Rihanna. She looked bored with the conversation they were having. I started to walk into the kitchen to get some juice.

I saw Noodles come in behind me. "Uh, does Rihanna have an issue with me?" She asked. Micah was the type of person who liked to be liked so the fact that one of her favorite singers was giving her the cold shoulder, was eating her alive. "I think she's jealous because of the club when we was in New York. I'll talk to her," she looked unsure. "Don't stress it," she nodded. I grabbed her arm and hugged her then walked with her into the living room where everyone was. I saw Rih sitting on a couch with a drink in her hand. Might as well settle this now. I went over and sat in her lap. Nobody was really paying attention. Everyone was either eating, drinking, smoking, or talking. She immediately wrapped her one arm around my waist. "What's your issue with Mic'?" I whispered to her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I don' like er end of conversation," "No not end of conversation. Why don't you like her? She's lowkey hurt." She shrugged, "Ya' already kno' why I don' like er. And I don' care," I rolled my eyes. "Just be nice because that's my bestfriend and I can't have you guise getting into it over something that's not even crucial," She took her arm from around my waist and stared at the wall.

"Rih," I turned around so I straddled her. I poked her cheeks until she smiled. "Please be nice?" She thought for a second and then nodded. "I can't hear youuuuu," I teased her. "Yeah I guess I can be nice," I kissed her cheek and turned back around. I saw Noods looking at me. I gave her a thumbs up and you could literally see the relief. Edward was knocked out on the couch along with Nicki. Jahaan and Noodles were talking about who knows what. Mel, Effie, Kachi, and Yani were in the kitchen and Jen was sitting in a seat on the couch on her phone. "If I gotta be nice to ya' friend, you gotta be nice to Jen," I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," she laughed.

"What time is it?" I had places to be in the morning. Rih looked at her phone, "it's about to be 1," I nodded. "I'm going to bed, I have things to do tomorrow," she nodded. "You're leaving?" I asked. I really didn't want her to go. She smirked at me. The things I'd do to her... "Do you want me to?" I shrugged, "Not really.." She laughed and walked over to Jen and told her something. She came back over to me and stood in front of me so I was looking at her back. I giggled and hopped on. "Mel, Jen got the keys if y'all going home. Lani want me to stay wit' her," she peeked into the kitchen. Mel nodded and Effie and Kachi started fake coughing, "whipped," I flicked them off and Rih turned to go up stairs. Then it hit me, where is Chance? "Wait wait," she stopped. "Where's Chance?" She shrugged. I looked in Ed's room. Nope. I walked to the guest room and slightly opened the door. I saw him laid out all over the bed. I laughed and shut the door. Me and Rih walked to my room and I shut the door.

I stripped back down into my shorts and sports bra while she just stared. I laughed and snapped at her. "Focus," she laughed. She then stripped down into just her bra and panties. She got in the bed and sat her phone on my nightstand. "Waiiiiit, that's my side," she continued to get comfortable. I turned the light off and got in on the other side. I felt her arms wrap around me and pull me closer. I smiled. Jesus....


Ok this is better. 😌 The song in the mm. vote and comment 😘

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