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August 14, 2014
New York, New York

It was now Thursday and I was so happy to be back in New York. Cali was cool and all but I'm just used to the east coast I guess. Kehlani would be flying in later on today so we could all go to Nicki's event. Something about perfume or some shit. Meanwhile, today I had an off day and I didn't plan on doing anything but eating, smoking, sleeping and repeating.

I inhaled and felt my body start to relax. My mind started to wonder.. what is Lani doing right now? Ever since we'd made up, we've been attached to the hip and not once have I thought about him. She was like a distraction from all the bullshit going on. A good one at that. Honestly, I was catching feelings fast and as much as I'd deny it, I knew the truth. I smile and laugh around her so much and I haven't gotten or even thought about getting drunk since before I met her, which is like a world record in my book. I could feel myself changing in a positive way and I hope that she felt the same way I felt about her. Rejection was never something I was fond of. I don't think anyone is.

My phone started to ring and I was pulled out of my thoughts. I looked at it: Jen 😒💀. This bitch better have a valid reason for interrupting me on MY free day. I contemplated on if I really wanted to answer or not... I don't. I declined and laid back on my couch.

By now, my blunt was finished. As soon as my eyes started to close, I got another call. Jesus Christ. I looked at my screen once again: Melly Mel 👭🔐. I declined. It was probably just the same bullshit Jen wanted. I got up and grabbed some snacks and then made my way up stairs. I turned on the tv but didn't really pay attention. A few minutes later I got another call. I kicked my feet and had a mini temper tantrum. I that Mel was calling once again. I finally answered. "Bitch come open da' door," I changed my locks before we went to LA. I groaned and hung up. I can never have any peace around here.

August 14, 2014
Los Angeles, California

I woke up to my doorbell being excessively pressed. Edward was out somewhere with Chance and Noodles which left me here alone with Jedi. I saw him peacefully sleeping on the other side of my bed. I wish it could all be so simple.

I grabbed a oversized T-Shirt and walked to the door. It started to ring again. Can they hold the fuck up? I snatched the door open and saw this stupid bitch on my porch. "The FUCK you here for?" She was crying. Did I give a fuck? Hell fuck no.

"LOOK, you got 2.5 seconds to start talking or I'm shutting my door." "Aren't you gonna invite me in?" "2....1...," I looked at my nails getting ready to shut the door. "Please?" I just wanna sleep and this bitch wanna come to my house at 9 in the fucking morning. I guess she got the hint that she wasn't coming in. "Kehlani, in sorry for getting with Party after I knew you guys had dated. Im supposed to be your friend and that was wrong of me to do some trifling shit like that," I honestly didn't care what her and Jahron did anymore. I'm over the situation and I'm moving on. "K." and with that, I shut my door and locked it.

I called Kachi because I needed to talk to someone about this shit. Me and her didn't hang out as much as I did with everyone else, so I decided since she hangs with us we might as well grow a friendship. She answered, "Hey Lani, what's up?" "Hey, you busy?" Jedi came crawling on the couch and sat in my lap. He's not really a mean cat. Im was thinking about getting a Guinea Pig but I'm never home enough. "Nah not really just leaving the house," "Well how about you and I go somewhere since we never really talk?" "That sounds cool. I'll be over in about 35 or 40," "Alright," she hung up and I went upstairs and got a pre-rolled blunt off my dresser. I lit it up and played some music.

After I finished that, I hopped in the shower and got dressed and what not.

I honestly want to know what possessed Kylie to come to my house and apologize and expect everything to be kumbaya

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I honestly want to know what possessed Kylie to come to my house and apologize and expect everything to be kumbaya. I guess all that hyaluronic acid from her lip injections went to her head because.. no. Kachi called and said she was outside. I made sure Jedi had food and water and made my way out the door and locked it.


This isn't anything special. 🙄 I've been MIA. Im so lazy 😩 My b. But on the brighter side, I'm going to try to update more frequently since school is starting and I don't pay attention in class 💀I'm so backwards anhways, Vote & Comment. I appreciate you, you loyal. 😎🔑

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