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December 7, 2014
New York, New York
Christopher Brown

I looked at the time. 3:28. Two minutes ahead. "You listen and you listen hard bitch. I'm going on here and I'm going to do what I need to do. You stay in this car and you better not go anywhere. When I come out you be ready to press the gas, understand?" She nodded. "I swear to God, if you try anything, and I meant ANYTHING, J will blow your FUCKING head off. No hesitation. I'll be out by 3:45." She looked at me with fear in her eyes. Good.

I pulled my mask over my face and got out the car with my gun on my hip leaving Nic and J in the car. In and Out Christopher. One fuck up and everything could be ruined. I walked to the side of her house making my way towards her fence. I hopped over it carefully landing on my feet. I spotted her back patio door open, typical Rihanna. I crept across her big lawn sliding into her house. Checking my surroundings I saw a hall light on. She isn't up this late I know. They walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was Jennifer, her friend. If this bitch sees me, I have to kill her. If she know what's good for her she'll continue with what she's doing. She got a water out of the refrigerator.

I tried to squat down but my keys jingled making her look in my direction. She slowly walked over to where I was hiding and as soon as she was about to see who I was I covered her eyes taking the napkin filled with chloroform making her fall unconscious. Damn this bitch is heavy. She's never heard of Weight Watchers? Nutrisystem? Garcinia Cambodia pills? Shit something. I laid her out with caution onto the ground. If I dropped her ass carelessly the whole house would wake up. Big ass whale built bitch. I chuckled lowly to myself. I'm funny as fuck bruh.

After getting her down I checked my watch. 3:34. Damnit. I walked up the stairs quietly. Walking into her room, I saw the restroom light on. I got hit in the face with the smell of sex. Where was my invite? The Kaloni girl was stretched over the bed naked. I peeked over at her body. Damn, I should've hit that too. Might have to change a few plans. I quietly walked towards the restroom where the light was coming from and saw Rih using the restroom with wild hair. I giggled and then waited for her to come out. The toilet flushed and Kaloni started snoring a little scaring me. Robyn turned the light out walking out of the restroom. I pulled the cloth from out of my left pocket and put it against her face. Mission checkpoint!

She fell onto my shoulder making it easy to pick her up. I carried her downstairs sneaking out the front door instead of walking all the way back around. Then went back to get the hippo hoe off the ground. J hopped out the car grabbing Jennifer and I grabbed Rihanna. He tied their arms and legs together and then put them into the back of the truck. He sealed the tonneau cover and then hopped in. I snapped at Nic and she stared to drive. Good pet.

After a while we pulled up to out place and unloaded everything. J tied up hippo and Rih to chairs as we waited for them to wake up. It was now going on 5 and neither of them was to wake. I threw water on Jennifer and her eyes opened while she coughed. She looked around and then connected eyes with me. I smirked. "Hey friend in law, remember me?"

"What the fuck is this?"

"Nothing just a gathering. You could've avoided your death but you wanted to be nosey. Oopsies too bad for you right?" I got my gun out and shot her in her arm. The loud noise woke up Rih. Time for the real fun to begin..

December 7, 2014
New York, New York
Kehlani Parrish

I rolled over sticking my arms out searching for Robyn. I know she said she was going to the restroom but damn, for this long? I groaned and opened my eyes seeing that I was in bed alone. I got up and found one of Robyn's oversized shirts and slipped it on. Her spot in bed was cold so she must've been working or something. I walked out of the room checking in the office, her studio, her guest rooms, the kitchen, the living room, even the extra room under her house. Where was she? I went back into the living room and peeked out the window. Her cars were still outside so she couldn't have left.

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