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August 11, 2014
Los Angeles, California

"So when ya' gonna come back to New York?" I playfully rolled my eyes. "I haven't even left New York and you're worried about me coming back." She laughed and I heard shuffling. "Well I got to go, call me tonight," I nodded and waved in the camera. "Bye," and she hung up.

3 weeks later..

That was the last conversation between us. I called her that night, but I got no answer. The next morning, I woke up to people tagging me in this picture of her and some other woman walking out the club hand in hand. Was I hurt? Yep. Was I going to let anyone know that? No. Rih had called multiple times the next day but of course, I declined them. I had every right to be angry. She'd been hugged up with me while I was in NY, making me think she could actually have feelings for me, and as soon as I leave, she's with the next bitch. But then again, me and Rihanna were only friends and I don't know if I could even call us that anymore.

Since then I'd been putting my all into my upcoming album. Me and Mel had talked a few times but I was trying to distance myself from her because I know that her and Rih are friends and I don't have time for my feelings to be played with. On Friday I was supposed to be going back to New York for Nicki's event, but I really didn't want to go anymore, but this meant a lot to Onika and she'd begged me to come. So while I was there, I planned to avoid Rihanna and everyone associated with her.

Edward walked into my room and jumped on my bed, breaking me out of my thoughts. I took my attention away from my computer and looked up at him. "Somebodies downstairs for you," he smirked and he walked out. Who the hell? I got up and walked downstairs. I opened the door and immediately jumped on him. "CHANCEEEE," He laughed and hugged me back. My phone rang in my pocket causing met to let go of Chance. I pulled my phone out of my pocket seeing it was Nicki. I answered and dragged Chance in. "Hey Nicki, yes I'm coming for your event," "Why ya' haven't been answering my shit?" I had a mental temper tantrum and sighed. "What do you want?" Chance sat down on the couch and I put my index finger up indicating 'hold on'. He replied ok. I walked into the kitchen. "Why ya' ain't called me? Ya' can text Mel and talk to Nic' but when I call I'm getting ya' voicemail and who's in the background," I sighed again. "Is this all you wanted?" "Yo what da' fuck ya' got an attitude with me fa'? I called ya' back the next day!" Rihanna yelled and I just leaned against my counter unbothered. I was about to say something but the phone hung up.

I shrugged and grabbed 2 water bottles out of the refrigerator. "Ok so, what was that?" Chance asked coming into the kitchen. I hopped on the counter, handed him a bottle, and began to explain. He just nodded.

"Maybe you should listen and hear her side of the story," I shrugged and took a drink from my bottle. "Stubborn. Edward wanted me to go get us some drinks and shit so.. but I'll be back in a few," He said and I nodded. I walked him to the door and went up stairs. I got into my bed and started to fall asleep. "WE GOT COMPANY COMING OVER IN A HOUR BITCH GET UP," I groaned and screamed into my pillow. "C'mon hoe, you'll like it anyways," He walked out and shut my door behind him. Why does he continue to invite people to MY house?! I got up and went into the restroom to shower. So much for a chill day..

August 11, 2014
Los Angeles, California

Me, Mel, Jen, Leandra, and Nicki walked off the plane walking to the limo. I was in LA, hosting a party tomorrow and I had other business to handle while I was out here. I brought Nicki with me just because she claimed me and her didn't hang out anymore and she was close to a special someone. "Mel, can I see ya' phone?" She nodded and gave it to me. I went to her messages and found what I was looking for but not without changing the contact name. I gave it back. Everybody got into the car except me. "Nic can I see your phone? I gotta make a call," She looked at me weird and handed me her phone. I went to her call log. Bingo! Kehlani had been ignoring me for some reason, I'd call her and it would go to voicemail or that bitch, Fettuccini would answer saying she's busy. I don't know what I did to her but it was killing me.

I dialed the number and waited for them to answer. After 2 rings, she answered,"Hey Nicki, yes I'm coming for your event." I made a mental note to ask Nicki about this "event" she's supposed to be having. "Why ya' haven't been answering my shit?" She sighed. The fuck? "What do you want?" I heard a male voice say ok. "Why ya' ain't called me? Ya' can text Mel and talk to Nic' but when I call I'm getting ya' voicemail and who is that in the background? That don' sound like Ed," She sighed again. I was getting irritated. "Is this all you wanted?" "Yo what da' fuck ya' got an attitude with me fa'? I called ya' back the next day!" I yelled and she didn't say anything. Mel got out the car and looked at me. I hung up the phone and got in the car. I threw Nicki back her phone and started to count to 10. "What's wrong?" Nicki asked.

"Everything fine Ms. Fenty?" Brown, my driver, asked. I nodded and he stared to drive. I felt everybody waiting on me to say something and I just stayed quiet. I really needed to get some answers because I don't like being ignored and I think it's something more than me missing a call. "Mel call Edward," I said. I heard typing and then she handed me her phone. "Who dis?" He immediately asked. This dude is WILD. I laughed, "It's Rih. What's Kehlani address?" "Oh hay! I'll text it," I nodded like he could see me and hung up. A few seconds later, Mel got a message with an address. I smirked. I texted him back letting him know that me and the girls would be over in an hour or so. He sent ok. She was going to talk to me whether she liked it or not.

We pulled up to the hotel and we all got out the car. I handed Mel her phone back and walked straight into the place.  "We got somewhere to be at 6 so be ready ta' go. No where special an Nicki ya' will be left if ya' take 3 hours like last time," Jen and Leandra laughed while Nicki just rolled her eyes. Mel went to check us in and we headed to our rooms.


"We hea'" I told Ed over the phone. "Aight," A few seconds later the door opened. "Rih, Lani is upstairs I think. Last door to the left. Everybody is in the kitchen I'm Edward by the way," He told us. We knew who he was but Jen didn't. We followed him into the kitchen. "Jen," she said. "Ok so this is Jen and Leandra, yall know Mel and Rih. This is Jahaan, Effie, Yani, Kachi, and Noodles. Kehlani is somewhere with Chance." My eyes widened at the name. I told them I'd be back and walked to Kehlani room. I heard laughing and knocked on the door. "It's open," she said. I didn't open it. Personally, I thought opening someone else's door was rude. I knocked again and I heard a loud sigh. Some dude opened the door, I'm guessing Chance and looked at me with low eyes. The hell? I pulled him out into her hallway and walked in shutting and locking the door. I was about to blow in 2.5 seconds if she answered anyone of these questions wrong. She was laying on her bed focused on her phone with a blunt in her hand. She had these short ass shorts with a sports bra on. Is she serious? "Yo, what da'fuck is this shit? Ya' can't answer my calls because ya' laid up with some nigga? Who is this nigga?! Ya' was jus in New York cryin' and shit about ya' ex to me and now ya' moved on? Ya' gotta be kidding me right now!" She just sat on the bed with straight face.




Ok that's all. tehehe 😭 Trash right? I know. Oh well. Anyways.... vote & comment. 😊

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