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August 14, 2014
New York, New York

"You and Chris are friends?"

"I thought I saw him but why you stuttering? You good?"

Those words kept replaying in my head. I don't know how the hell he got in here if he's actually here. When she said his name my heart dropped. I gulped down whatever Mel had in her cup and started to pour some Henny. Its been a while since I've had some alcohol. I sat in my office trying to control my breathing. I heard someone walking towards my office and I looking up waiting for them to come into sight. I saw Mel. "Ya' good?" I nodded and took a deep breath. "Ya' sure? Rob its not good to keep ya-" I looked up at her with a glare basically signaling her to go. "Send Lani please," she nodded and walked out. A few minutes later Kehlani walked in. Seeing her relaxed me instantly. I forgot all about him. She's so gentle and caring. That's what I liked most about her. "Im sorry I didn't mean to make you freak out or anything. You're ok right? What'd I do? Was it me? Come on Rih talk to me you're scaring me," she rambled on and on. She's so cute. "Can I talk now or what?" She giggled, "oh yeah my bad."

"Yes, I'm fine. It wasn't you," I took a sip from my cup. "What's that?" She asked. I raised my cup up with raising my eyebrow. She nodded. "Hennessy," she took the cup and sat it on the other side of her. "Mel said no drinking Rih. But anyways why'd you run off if you don't mind me asking." I put my head in her lap and stretched out over the couch. I sighed.

"Everybody knows 'dat Chris and I were together. But nobody knows what went on behind closed doors. I've neva told anyone. Not even Mel. That man is straight evil. He'd go out and not come home til late times. Then he'd come back smelling like other girls. At first like any stupid bitch in love, I denied it. I didn't wan' to believe he was cheating but all de' signs was there. Afta' a while I questioned him about it and of course, he denied everything. But eventually I caught him in da' act while trying to surprise him. We took a break but I ended up forgiving him. One of de' worse mistakes I could make," she was intensely listening while I told her the story. "So the first month or so it was like old times, just us to enjoying each Otha. Then one day a switch just clicked in his head. He'd go out, cheat, get drunk, and come back and accuse me of cheating on 'im. We argued so much. One day it jus went to fa' and he h-hit me. But he tol' me he'd change just like any typical woman beater. And be being the stupid bitch I am, I-I believed it. Every once in a while turned into every week and every week turned into everyday an-and then eventually when'Eva he felt da' need to." By now I was on the verge of breaking down and she was crying. "Rob you don't have to keep talking about it," I shook my head. I needed to let this out and I wanted her to be the one. "I wan' to tell ya'." She nodded and just held my hand. "I w-wanted to leave but I thought that he'd change and do right for me. He started to do the uh the drugs and started to run low on money. So he'd steal mines or he'd have me do things. So he could get his fix. After a while they didn't wan' the money, th-they jus' wanted me and uh they'd make deals. I'd let them do whateva' a-a-and he'd get 'is drugs. After a while, I got pregnant and he stopped the drugs, the cheating, The drinking, everything. It was basically normal. But one night he came home and we got into it because I didn't make him dinner after he tol' me not to before he went to hand wit' Tyga. I was yelling and he was yelling. A-and and he beat me worse than he eva did. I-I ended up l-losing t-t-t-the- ," I broke down completely then. She just whispered comforting words. After I got myself together, I started to talk again but she stopped me.

"I get the point Rob. Everything is fine. I promise he won't come anywhere close to you, I'll make sure of it." She wiped my tears and just held me. Eventually I felt sleep taking over and drifted off into a deep slumber.


After Rih fell asleep I went to find Mel and told her that Rih was sleep. She nodded and ended the party. Simone came over to me and saw that around my eyes was red. She knew I had been crying. "You ok? What happened? Who I'm fighting?" "Nobody chill. Everything is ok. I'll be back. Hold on," she nodded. I went back and woke up Rih so she could go to her room. I walked her up to her room and make sure she was ok. As I was walking out, she stopped me, "You're leaving?" She sounded exhausted. I nodded. "Stay.. please?" I nodded and told her I'd go tell my friends. "Jus' come 'old me. They'll get it," I shrugged and stripped and got in the bed. She snuggled up to me and held onto my tightly. I held onto her also. I would've never thought she had went through all that. I heard her breathing steady and her light snores. I kissed her forehead and eventually fell asleep.


Tears ☹️☹️. Rih opened up to Lani. ❤️😊 I'll update tomorrow or is it later on today since its 2 am? 🤔 oh well. Excuse any stupid ass errors I'm too tired to go back and check. Update coming soon 😭 Vote and comment. Thanks fam. 😎

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