Chapter Seventeen

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( Don't play the music till I mention later in this chapter)

Nolan's POV

He stood upon the unconscious woman, all the cuts and bruises she had just for fighting him... It has been three hours after the motorcycle chase with (Y/N).

"Damn you....if it wasn't for you blocking my way I wouldn't of had gotten her already.." He growled, the unconscious woman groaned and tried to get up.

"You won't find her.....I won't allow that, you've caused so much pain in her life-"

He kicked the woman in the face, the blood dripping off his boot as he lifted his foot, The woman looked at him, her eyes filled with blood.

"You know nothing about her..." He said. Cracking his knuckles he watched as the woman barely sat up.

"I know enough to realize the trauma that she's been put through....Your just blinded with insanity to figure that out-"

"SHUT UP!" He screamed, creating the ice hammer he slammed it on the woman's head, using all the magic energy he had left..

"J-J-Just....leave her alone~...." The woman whimpered, then he observed as she lifted her arm...and created a symbol...

The symbol FairyTail uses.....

"The Dragon slayer will b-b-be here....and so will the others~...."

He only growled, showing his sharpened teeth before taking his sword out, slicing her hand off..

The woman screamed in pure agony, but before she could say anything else he lifted the sword.

"By the time they get here.....Ill be long gone....and I will find her." He whispered, then he stabbed the woman right in the heart. Blood splattering all over his clothes and slightly on his face.

Hearing the woman's last gasp before slowly closing her eyes made him feel uneasy. However, slowly his insanity took over. His Crystal blue eyes looked bizarre, his hand twisting and spazzing out after he let out a scream.

"Your sorrowful words cannot describe anything that happened to (Y/N) or myself." He hissed. Walking out of the house he hood over his head.

She's knows nothing......

Natsu's POV

The pink haired boy leaned against a wall near an alleyway in the Main Street of Crocus. Guards running all over the place looking for the one on the motorcycle....looking for (Y/N).

"She was on that motorcycle...and I didn't do anything." He whispered to himself.

"Don't bring yourself down Natsu! At least you know that she's alive!" Happy encouraged. He just nodded his head.

"But in danger...That Nolan kid doesn't look like the one to give up easily." Natsu said, he felt his anger holing inside his body.

If Nolan touches (Y/N), he'll be begging for mercy as I kick him to the depths of hell..

Abruptly a sensation could be felt on his stamp, looking at it he noticed the stamp glowing.

Someone is in need of help.....

His senses dragged him to the other side of town, approaching the house he could pick up a scent that was too familiar.

"Brooklyn?" He asked himself, he sprinted into the house and was shocked to see the scene that unfolded.

E.N.D.'s Assassin (Natsu X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now