Chapter Twenty One

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Your POV

"Holy shit you have got to be kidding me..." You gasped to yourself. Your fingers slowly starting to go numb from the coldness but also from gripping onto the book so hard.

Why did Mavis tell me to not open it till needed too....Does this summon E.N.D as soon as it's opened?

You quickly put the book into a pocket you had in your cloak, but as you jumped over to another tree the thought hit you.

Natsu could be here.....

"If he's here.....oh no." You said to yourself, taking a deep breath you jumped down from the tree and looked around, taking out a knife and flipping it around with your fingers.

I won't let Nolan or Zeref touch him, I don't know how he feels about me but I'll protect him, no mater the cost...

"I'll find you." You whispered to yourself. Jade complained in the background about you being to fast. Then the idea popped in your head.

"Jade I'm going to need you to carry me in the air." You said, gasping for air.

The exceed looked at you like you were crazy but obeyed you. Clinging onto your back she shot you to the air.

"Dear lord your light as a feather!" Jade said with relief.

"No time to take about weight! We have to find Natsu!" You replied urgently.

"Aye!" Jade shouted, your (H/C) swayed against the wind as you flew a few feet above the beach line, looking at the ice covered ocean you searched desperately for the pinked haired Dragon slayer.

But then that's when you noticed it......

"N-N-No......" You whimpered, as you flew over a certain area of rocks, you could see Natsu's scarf laying there.

You wanted to scream so badly but instead you let out a gasp.

"I can't hold you any longer...." Jade complained, you screamed as Jade's hand slipped away from your back and rolled down a little cliff side.

Your vision was blurry from all the spinning, your body aching in pain. Standing up you stumbled towards Natsu's scarf, slipping on the rocks and falling to your knees before grabbing the scarf.

"His scarf..." You cried, your eyes started to water up as the pain in your heart increased. Rocking back n forth slightly you held the scarf close to your heart.

"Where is he?" You whimpered to yourself.

"He'll come to you."

It was like you choked on air as you heard that voice, shivers going down your spine and your whole body starting to shake in fear. You turned around and slowly stood up.

"W-W-W-What did you do to him Nolan?" You asked quietly. The brown haired boy just looked at you, his Crystal blue eyes watering up.

"I finally found you (Y/N)." Nolan replied shakily. Before you could say anything he pulled you into a tight embrace.

You shook your head and struggled to get out of his grasp, Nolan noticed you trying to escape from his reach and pulled you in closer, making your head rest on his chest.

E.N.D.'s Assassin (Natsu X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now