Chapter Twenty Three

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Natsu's POV

All he could do was watch, his eyes glowed with amazement as shock as he watched (Y/N) transform. His mate looking deadly and vicious.

Why can't I overcome this dark magic? I need to help her!!!!

"I'm all fired up now." (Y/N) said in a demented tone, her eyes tinted yellow and looked dark. He shivered slightly seeing her like this.

Damn she's terrifying....but also amazing at the same time.

(Y/N) got into fighting stance before shooting a fire ball straight at Zeref. The dark wizard only lifting his hand and the fire hand turned around and hit (Y/N) on her arm, she didn't flinch.

"I see, going for the avoid all attacks trick, well then I guess I'll have to do the same thing." (Y/N) growled, a black mist surrounded the palm of her hands.

She knows how to use dark magic.....

"I never thought I would see the day when you use my magic." Zeref said giving her an evil grin.

"I'm only using it this end you." (Y/N) yelled. Zeref grunted in annoyance before shooting a mass of shadows towards her. She dodged the attack and moved her hands in a circle rotation, making the mass of shadows turn around and hit Zeref right in the collarbone.

Zeref flinched slightly before shooting a  dark flame at (Y/N)'s leg, she yelled softly before falling down onto one knee.

"(Y/N) No!!" I shouted, I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up but quickly falling back down.

"I-I'm not going to give up....not yet." He heard (Y/N) mumbled. His onyx eyes widened before he slightly smiled to himself.

She's just like me....

Your POV

You stood up and groaned in pain, Zeref looking at you with pure hatred.

"I'm tired of being told what to be." You shouted. Letting a water ball form in the palm of your hands you levitated yourself from the ground. Your water surrounding your body before forming into a sword in your hands.

Swinging the sword around you softly landed to the ground, Zeref created a sword made out of dark mist.

"Let's see how much you've learned from me." Zeref said softly. You gripped onto the sword tightly before charging into the first attack, Zeref blocked your attack and attempted to hit your heart. You flipped backwards, dodging the attack.

Zeref only narrowed his eyes at you before swinging his sword at you again, you blocked it using your earth magic and creating a shield made out of stone.

The next fifteen minutes the both of you fought. Your magic blocking Zeref's, whenever you had the advantage you swung the sword and tried to hit Zeref right in the heart.

"You think you can defeat me....Your wrongly mistaken." Zeref exclaimed. You ignored the comment and swung your sword at him, successfully slicing some skin off his right arm. Zeref backed up a couple feet and started to scream in anger, his blood dripping from his arm onto the ground.

"You little bitch.." Zeref growled, then halfway through his screams of anger he gasped before letting a Chesire cat grin crawl upon his face.

E.N.D.'s Assassin (Natsu X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now