Chapter Twenty Five

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You sprinted through the forest as fast as your legs could carry, hearing his heartbeat you could sense his presence.

I'm getting close...

Arriving to the area your eyes widened in fear, smoke rose from the flames that raged through the trees, pieces of ash making it hard to breathe.

In the middle of tragic scenery stood two figures, you eyes gazed upon the demon that slashed its mighty claws upon the black wizard.


E.N.D stood there with tears in his red glowing eyes, his pink hair swaying with the wind and slightly sobering his face, horns on his head that glow like flowing magma, then the form of a tattoo that was on his right arm.

"You killed my mate~.." E.N.D hissed in rage as he head kicked Zeref. You watched as the black wizard stood back up and stumbled back slightly.

"I've should of had killed you as soon as you were born." Zeref growled. Forming a black flame he flung straight into E.N.D's heart, you let out a quiet gasp as E.N.D fell onto his knees.

Shockingly, E.N.D only took a couple of breaths before charging at Zeref at full speed, clawing at his face.

You ran up to the two and placed a hand on E.N.D's arm, quickly he jerked and looked down at you. His red eyes glowed and started to water up.

"(Y/N...." E.N.D whispered, a tear rolled down his cheek and you softly wiped it away. Smiling sadly you looked at your mate and squeezed his arm gently.

"I'm okay Natsu.." You said, Natsu placed your hand on his cheek before pulling your head and placing it on his own. The two of you sat there for a moment, E.N.D's tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I thought I lost you." He said. You shook your head before kissing him softly on the cheek.

"I never will leave you....I promise." You said reinsuring. E.N.D nodded his head before looking down at Zeref, his eyes glowing in anger. Pulling you into his arms E.N.D's surrounded the two of you in flames.

"You aren't going anywhere near my mate ever again, all the pain you brought onto her is unacceptable." E.N.D yelled.

Zeref looked at the two of you with a blank expression on his face before unexpectedly throwing a black flame ball at you two.

Using your own power you made a water shield that blocked the flame ball, E.N.D smirked slightly before pushing you behind him.

"Fire dragon ROAR!!!"

A blast of flames impacted Zeref with full force, as the black wizard fell to his knees you started to notice something different about him.

Zeref's hair was slowly turning grey, his skin turning old, saggy, wrinkly and bruised up. The veins on his face starting to appear, giving him a scary Constance. Zeref was coughing and hacking loudly, pieces of blood dripping from his chin.

"" Zeref choked as a blood clot  came out of his mouth. Your eyebrow raised in confusion.

Mavis...what does she have to do with this?

"When was Mavis ever in the problem?" You asked. Zeref coughed again before looking at him, his eyes looked weak...

"Four hundred years ago when Mavis and I first met, She wanted me to teach her magic so she could help Magnolia become a town again after a hundred years of being broken down and taken over by evil guilds. I agreed to help her...My feelings towards her grew, she was the only person who made me smile.

However, After Mavis did a forbidden spell that made her body unable to grow anymore....It broke my heart. We became lovers anyway since her age still changed....But then things didn't work out, She wouldn't agree to help me take control of the world. Make the world a better place...So I killed her.

Mavis had the upper hand as she cursed me, Saying that I'll never be able to age for the rest of my life. However, I would have a brother that would be known as E.N.D, he would be able to kill me and take anyway my life span...For over 400 years I waited patiently for the day to come when Natsu was born, being taken away to be a dragon slayer made it even more difficult for me....So then I started searching for people who would become assassins.

Nolan's and your village was the last one to visit. I still had no followers...In rage I burned down the whole village, that's when I found you. Figuring out you were a dragon slayer I knew you were the one that could destroy E.N.D.....But now here I stand, knowing the plan failed." Zeref explained.

I stared at Zeref with disbelief, E.N.D only shook his head in disappointment.

"To bad Zeref....your time is officially up however." E.N.D said.

"It's truly is bad." You heard a voice call out. E.N.D and You turned around and looked upon Mavis, her green eyes gleaming and her blonde hair swaying against the strong breeze.

"M-Mavis~..." Zeref groaned. Mavis only walked close to Zeref...Before kneeling down and suddenly head kicking him.

"This eternal pain is what you deserve." Mavis snapped. Zeref's face looked hallow and as if he was a cracked stone.

"You've cause so much suffering to many innocent lives....Killed people left and right just to costume power and get the label of becoming the most powerful wizard....when all you really are is a lifeless coward." Mavis said.

Zeref's body curled up, his body so skinny you could see his bones...his hair turned completely white and his nails were chipping off.

"Death is the only punishment for you Zeref....I'm sorry." Mavis said softly. She looked at you and nodded.

You knew there was one last thing to do, taking out your sword you glanced at E.N.D, the two of you gripped onto the sword..

"Ready?" E.N.D asked me. You looked at him, your (E/C) eyes filled with determination.

"Ready." You replied.

E.N.D held onto your hand as you two charged at Zeref, you watched as the now old man trembled just to sit up and desperately tried to scoot away.

In seconds, you glanced at the last seconds of Zeref being alive before stabbing him right in the heart. Your eyes widened as Zeref sat there for a few moments....then his blood splattered all over the ground, a huge blast of darkness exploded from his body.

The impact was powerful enough to where you were sling shot into the air, You let out a piercing scream. In seconds you slammed to the ground, rolling down a huge cliff. Then harshly you fell into the ocean.

You looked around as you sunk closer to the ocean bottom, your whole body wouldn't corporate with you....You didn't know how to swim.

You kicked furiously but nothing was happening, you were loosing the last of air you inhaled before falling into the water. Your blood surrounding your felt dizzy.

No I can't die, I just came back I can't leave Natsu..

But before your eyes drooped and closed, you noticed how the the ocean suddenly started to feel freezing....and the surface was now covered in ice. Quickly you noticed something sliding across the ice, it looked like a body..

But who....

Suddenly another figure jumped in the water from a hole in the ice, more blood surrounded your vision....but the last image you remember was a hand coming at you....and Crystal blue eyes.

But how.......


Author Note: well I just left you with another cliff I'm evil just for doing that! There will be an update soon don't worry!!



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