Scanners Suck

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I waited in line at the airport. People of all shapes in sizes were there trying to escape the upcoming war. At least that's what I was doing.

The king had never done anything for me so, there was no reason for me to be risking my life for his ass.

I looked to the front of the line trying to get a glance of what was up. My heart dropped when I saw soliders asking for peoples names, identification cards, then scaning them.

That stupid scanner thing freaking tells them if you have a ability or not just by measuring the radiation around your body! What kind of bull shit is that!

I looked around trying to advoid being to obvious. Mabey i could jump out of line, no that wouldnt work they'de chase me, Mabey trip out the machine no they'de know somethings up.

I groaned loud enough that everybody in line turned to look at me even the gaurds.

And before i knew it.


I froze for a second before approaching the burley gaurd.


"Nova Pierce"


I reached into my bag and handed him my id card. He glanced at it skeptically then handed it back to me.

"Ok, now put your arms out and legs apart" he reached for the scanner.

I took the opportunity and sprinted for the exit. But of course they were prepared. Six big guys blocked the door.
Nope nope nope nope
I made a quick turn around but i was cut of by more gaurds. Soon i was pinned on the ground and someone was scanned my one free arm.

He read it then looked back at my squished face.
"Number eight, huh? Man have we been looking for you"

Then a rush of pain surged up my arm and bang! Im out!

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