Suppression Tank

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Feeling like total shit, I had finally knocked myself back into consciousness. My head pounded like someone was hammering at my brain. My hands were charred from those stupid "nova proof chains".

At least this time I'm not tied up.

I looked around the room. It was cold and misty. All source of light was drained, leaving me into what seemed like hell. It took me awhile to actually convince myself I wasn't still unconscious or dead.

At least until I forced a small flame into one of my sore hands. Shining the faint glow on the surrounding walls. Streams of icy mist poured down the walls. A single chair shined in the center of the room, plus the metal door that stood opposite.

I creaked open the door peering into the illuminated hallway. Was it empty?

Seriously? Isn't this a military base?

I trailed my way down the hallway. Looking in just about every open door, only to find each dark and empty.

A strong wind flew down the hall, nearly knocking me off my feet. I turned to see a tall guy with blond hair and light blue eyes. He glared at me as if cursing me for all the sins he's committed.

"Pierce?" he asked with so much force it scared me.

"Yes! What!...what?"

"Come" he stated as he began speed walked away using his long stride as an advantage, while I practically sprinted behind.

We turned about ten corners before I was completely out of breath and he was still chugging strong.

What is this guy?

Finally, we came to a dead end, a set of double doors directly in front of us. He flung them open. Immediately I was blinded by the bright light of the sun. Nine buildings were placed across each other, some were bigger than others from apartment buildings to a medium sized family home, some also seemed in better shape and appeared to be nicer.

The man started speed walking once again. Straight for one of the smallest possible building labeled nine. I followed slowly not sure if I'm supposed to. He turned around opening the door for me.

"Come on in"

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