
18 1 1

I sprung off my bed, beads of sweat ran down my forehead and stung my eyes. I scanned around reassuring myself i wasnt still in that pit.

What the hell was that?

That was the first nightmare i had in a long time. Really i didnt even think i got them anymore. But that was just.... Over the top. I could feel my heart racing and my skin was near boiling. I creaked open my window letting in the cool morning air. The sun was just comming up. There was no going back to sleep.

I grabbed a nearby hoodie and jumped down the stairs toward the door. Everyone was still sleeping. Its best i get out of here before i burn the house down. Unlike the old house this one wasnt built to contain masive fires.

I strolled down the beach. My bare feet soaking in the damp morning sand. The gentle breeze flowed through my short hair. I grabbed my hand.

Still hot

I threw off my hoodie and dived into the waves. Salty water boiled and bubbled around me. I stood there for a few minutes then crawled back out. I was now a acceptable temperature. I walked back to the house dripping with ocean water.

We've been here three days now. 

I climbed back up to my room. Mell was standing at my door. She seemed worried.


"Oh so help me NOVA PIERCE where the hell did you go?!"

Shes yelling at me? I didnt belive thats possible.

"I wanted to ask you something but when i came in you were gone and your bed was burning hot and i went to get Xander and he didnt know where you were and we thought you......." her eyes were tearing up.  She grabbed my shoulders and hugged me tightly.

What exactly did she think happened to me?

Someone quickly stomped up the stairs. Xanders face was beet red.

"I couldnt find her!"

" i searched every....." when he looked up his face loosened up.
"Oh thank god" he gasped grabbing my shoulders and pulling me close.

Woah, This is not the xander i know

Mell still was refusing to let go my arms. She pulled herself into our now group hug  "We lost your brother once we dont need to lost you too" a small tear formed in my eye. I wrapped my arms around their backs.

"Im sorry guys, it wont happen again"

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