His Ability

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Our boats jolted up and down at every crashing wave. At points i was almost positive we were going to wipe out. Luckily we were making it just fine. You could see the bobbing heads of Paige Rosaline and Abby on the other boat which indicated they were sleeping. And on ours, axle got sea sick so he was halfway off the boat and xander was barely holding him up by his shirt trying to keep him from taking a nose dive into the deep ocean.

The sun set and no color but pitch black was to be seen.the outlines of people near me were visible by the simple rays of the moon. Our headlights were turned off and the only indicator that the others were still behind us was the roaring engine.

I leaned back in my chair and convinced myself to try to nap.

"Xander if i fall off youll jump in to get me right?"

"Yeah sure"

"And you axle? Will you jump in?" only a groggy moan replied.

"Thats the spirit"

Douche bags

The boat jolted me forward lunging me and axle off into shallow water.

We hit land

I wiped the salt from my eyes and stood up. A small island stretched out infront of us. It had long pom trees on each end of the beach. And more forest in the center but this time there was a stone path. Something you dont ussually see on deserted islands.

Mell led us through the trees on the path. We walked for just about five minutes when we came to a small clearing. A medium sized old beach house sat in the middle. It was clearly overdue for a lawn mowing and more with all the overgrown grass, and vines dangling off the roof. But when mell creaked open the door. The house seemed just as homey as anything ive seen.

The furniture was covered in tarps and the floor with old papers. Which took us hours to clean. When we were done though it was in top shape. It looked brand new. Mell assigned rooms, she clearly stated which was hers many times. Plus she watched me like a creep walk toward the end of the hall and then stoped me before i could open my door.

Please tell me it wont explode

"He made this room especially for you" she opened the door.


It was stuning. The bed was attached to a overlooking window and seperating it with the other half of the room was a long white lace curtain. The room had everything. Even a small fireplace, a desk decorated with dozens of old family photos. A small chandelier dangling from the ceiling.

"You like it?" mell asked happily knowing my awnser. "He knew you'd come here someday, he knew we'd all come here someday"

His ability

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