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Every one was out of bed and scrambling into the woods. Hiding in the nearby trees and bushes we watched soldiers "sneak up to our home". They barged in. I could tell they were pissed that no one was inside. The soldiers ran outside and scanned the area. Mell began to give orders.

"Paige trap them" Paige nodded as thick trees and vines locked them in from the inside. We could hear their screams of frustration.

And just as planned another group of soldiers followed their friends screams straight onto the sandy beach. "Split them up" She said looking straight toward Xander, and poof he was gone along with three of the six men. He came back of course, but the soldiers were lost in our dense forest.

"Team P.R.J get rid of them"(Paige, Rosaline and Jake) loud screams and roars erupted from the woods, shivers crawled up my spine. I knew they used their new creation and all I could do was feel pity for those poor souls.

"Abby diversion" this was something I wasn't expecting. Abby teared up and walked out of the woods bawling. The idiot soldiers walked up to her asking her what happened and then, they got thrown to the ocean, literally. How had they not questioned what a little girl was doing on a remote island, i dont know. Our island was cleared, including the people Paige trapped I'm pretty sure she poisoned them. I don't know.

"Axle and Nova, take down the ships" All I could do was nod. I grabbed Axles arm and we flew straight over the ocean. We hovered above a dozen boats. Dead silence.

"Let's go" axle nodded. He dropped me onto the first boats deck and we walked hallways as quiet as possible. We found the control room. I faced the controls and melted every  button and lever even the wheel. Then we went to the engine room. I fried every piece of equipment, causing mass explosions.And then did the same to every ship. We flew back to the island. The burning ocean and screams of soliders lit up the sky.

"Get used to it"

"This is only the beginning"

I faced my family, our powerful eyes glowing in the dark reality.

"Now is when we make it clear, we no longer are dangling on their puppet strings, we will not be held back by wires" I could see the faces of my comrads smiling.

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