The storm

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[Sorry I just had to take a break from writing]

The sun was setting and I walked the beach. It was the same as ever, peacefull ,but today something was different. Usually in the distance you could see the end of the world yet today the seemingly endless ocean was cut off by dark clouds. We had not yet got a storm on the island, surprisingly. It worried me. This storm seemed large and infinite. I was sure it was my imagination, but I could've sworn that I felt surges of power coming from the approaching clouds.

"You know you can't scare away the weather, right?" Axle laughed from behind. Axle had grown a acceptable amount over the year. He walks up beside me and we continue on staring at the dark clouds approaching fast.

"Hope it's not a hurricane" he laughed .

"That wouldn't be a laughing matter, now would it?" I smirked glancing his way. "Don't you feel like, somehow, that's not a normal storm?"

"Um, mabey it is a hurricane" he said looking closer at the dark sky. "Why?"

"I don't know it just, there's no wind but somehow it's travelling fast, and well it feels as if it's hiding something" the first raindrop fell on my forehead just as the sun set.

"Let's go inside, mabey mell can explain mother nature to you" He laughed heading toward the house. His hazel eyes glowing.

"Yeah fine whatever, just hope that thing doesn't tear down the garden" I followed closely behind.

Inside everybody was gathered around in the living room, casually laid back and joking around. It was nice to have a family. Everything was going to be fine if they were with me.

"Idiot here, thinks the storms strange" axle said plopping down on the couch, beside Xander and Paige.

"Hey!!" I yelped smacking him on the back of the head. He winced a bit with a smirk on his face.

"Why?" Mell asked, she was as kind and understanding as allways. If I had to choose anyone in that room, I would have to say that mell was the mother of the group.

"I don't know. It just doesn't feel right" I sighed squeezing myself between the two boys.

"Mabey it's a hurricane" Abby laughed as she flipped through a old book on the floor.

"Why does everybody say that?"

"Well, we do live in the carribean" Mell laughed from the door "anyways since there's not much we can do with the rain outside, why don't we all just pack it in for tonight, I doubt the enemy boats and planes can navigate in that" I peer outside, it's already pitch black, the rain drops are steadily getting faster and now wind is wiping trees everywhich way. Thunder cracks in the distance.

We all head to our rooms, saying our good night's. I close my door and flop onto my bed shutting my eyes and lulling to sleep from the wispy wind swooshing through the trees outside.

I woke up a hour later. Something was off. Mabey a hurricane?No, I felt uneasy, the wind stopped. Even though it was so rough a second ago.
I threw open my window and leaned out glancing around into the dark void. Only light rain. Now that I noticed, there was no noises whatsoever. It was as if we were in a black hole.

I leaped off my bed and headed downstairs. There was a lamp on in the living area. I crept in, Mel sat on the couch reading a book.

"What are you doing up?"She asked glancing behind her. I froze.

"Something seemed off so I was just coming to see if everything was okay" I laughed slightly.

"You were right something is off, Xander was sent off a moment ago to make sure everything is alright he should be back any second" she said turning to face me. "It's comforting to know that you care about everyone" she smiled resting her chin on the back of the old couch.

The front door opened. Xander came strolling in. "Something is wrong, mabey. I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary but that doesn't mean were okay" he said.

"We should wake up the others and camp out in here just to be safe " she smiled. She looked at me once more "It's probably nothing " she said with a reassuring voice.

We walked upstairs. And split up into diffrent rooms. I knocked on Axles door. His lights were off. I strolled in. Axle was cacooned in his sheets. I walked over and shook him a bit. He moaned in protest.

"Axle. Come on you need to wake up" I said, he grumbled more, rolling to the other side of his bed. "Axle!" I smacked him hard on the head. He jolted up rubbing his temple.

"Okay okay I'm up, what?" He asked glaring at me in the dim lights.

"We're camping out in the living room, something weird is going on" I said yanking the blankets off of him.

He lazily got up and followed me down to the living room. Everyone was decently awake. Sitting around on the ground and couches.

"What's going on?" Abby yawned, rubbing her eyes completely exhausted.

"Nothing were just having a sleepover down here tonight " Mell said covering it up. Poor kid.

It wasnt long before we all began dozing off. That was until every door, and window was kicked in.

We jolted upward. People surrounded us. The military. How did Xander not see them? The storm?

I couldn't even react before Abby dropped to the floor. Xander caught her right before her head hit the ground, but not very long after he also dropped down as if he was asleep. One by one each and every one of my friends fell in a comatose state.
I grabbed onto Axles arm. He was going limp.

"Axle! What's wrong?" I asked he opened his mouth but then dropped so fast I barely could hold his weight.
The military just stood around us, almost cocky. A few soldiers walked up and began picking up Mel.

"Don't touch her!"I yelled conjuring a flame into my hand. The men looked up at me then glanced at each other and took a step back. " Don't touch any one of them" I screamed working my way into the middle of the group, eyeing and spinning around, just to make sure everybody was safe. I let Axle down slowly.

"Well this is interesting" a feminine voice from the very back emerged. A young woman just a bit taller than me came strolling to the front of the herd. "I can't remember the last time this happened" she had this big smirk stretched across her face.

"What did you do to them?!" I yelled, the flame in my hand got larger.

"Oh now I wouldn't do that, this house is drenched in gasoline, we'll all go up in flames, even your precious friends" she stepped closer, her hands raised in front of her head. "Tell me dearest, how are you not affected?" what? Now that she mentioned it, everybody but me was down, but not dead.

"I don't know. Now you tell me, why not kill us here and now?" I glared, mimicking her ridiculous smile.

"Oh now what fun would that be? Now, what's your name?" She said eyeing me curiously. Should I tell the truth? Either way she'll figure it out.

"Nova Pierce" I said not breaking eye contact. Her eyes widened a bit but she wasn't suprised, she was..... happy?

"I see, that's good" she laughed a bit.

"Why is that good?" I asked.

"Another Pierce to my collection" she smiled, her eyes flicked to the side for a split second. What?

"What?" I let my gaurd down, it felt like a i got stung by several bees on the back. Mabey because when I looked, there was several syringes sticking in my back.

"You.... bitch" I stuttered, before dropping down on top of my friends. My vision was blurry and everything was numb. WHY SEVEN?! IS ONE NOT ENOUGH!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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