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     It was late in the afternoon and i was so bored i considered setting the woods on fire but that would only cause problems for us.  I strolled around for what seemed like a eternity until i somehow managed back at the house. I followed the path up to the beach. On the way i found Paige making a garden while Rosaline sat talking to nothing but she apparently was getting replies so i let her do her thing, i passed Axle and Xander doing god knows what, all i know was Axle was waist deep in dirt screaming and Xander was yelling at him to get out of it, then i came to the beach to find a twenty six year old and a ten year old making a sand castle.

These people, the only person doing something helpfull is Paige and thats the only thing shes good for FOOD

    I strolled down to the waters edge and crouched in the damp sand. I forced up a flame and burnt the sand around me so much im pretty sure i made glass.

Hmmmm..... Glass beach

I was about to shove my hands under the sand but someone had gripped my shoulder so tight my arm went numb. I looked behind me and there stood a very angry looking abby.

"Dont even try it, sand is the only thing i got right now" she warned me then skipped off to the house.

"God that child terrifies me"

"I know right, she destroyed at least six sand castles today" Mell was still picking at the sculpture.

I faced the ocean once more. Nothing was around us but blue ocean. Sea foam appeared around my feet then absorbed back into the sand.

"Why did you guys pick here of all places?" i asked Mell. She stood beside me staring at the horizon.

"Everythings done for a reason, your brother choose this island because it helps all of our personal needs, it benefits all our abilities perfectly, we can live as a family while at the same time improve as soliders"

My brother was that smart?

"Really?he said that?"

"Honestly i asked him the same thing when we built this place, but he gave me the bland awnser of "everythings ment to happen for a reason plus this place is really cool dont ya think?!" god that kid drived me insane but you gotta love him" she laughed

Love him

"You loved Nathan?"

"Well yeah! He was my boyfriend" she laughed again this time less happy.

"You were my brothers girlfriend?!" i screamed staring at her flawless face"Why?!"

"Well he was kind of a dork, he was resourceful and believe it or not him and Xander were the hotties back then,still are actually" she laughed

"Man not one day would go by without him bringing you up though one time we acctually came to your school and he pointed you out to us when you were on the play ground, we were gonna meet you but he ended up having a mental break down cause he couldnt see you on your first day to school in fourth grade, and he would allways make sure Xander went to check up on you every month whether that was going to your neighbors or stopping by real quick, believe it or not we've known you for a long time but i think we both were suprised by how mature you acctually got, Xander didnt even want to believe it was you the day you came into the base, in all reality it kinda felt like you were our little sister and we hadnt even met you personally yet " she laughed so much i did.

That idiot, he made them go through hell, but he did something i could never do, tell one of my best friends to stock someone for me.

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