Chapter Three

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"I knew it would work," Kelly told Jessica as they walked to the party the following evening, "My mom is so gullible when I wear braids and give her my doe eyes. She really believed I was at home, reading Amos Fortune in my bed that whole time, when really, I was making all of this happen," she said, gesturing to her outfit.

"Yeah, you look fabulous, by the way," Jessica pointed out, "I love the jeans and the tube top was a nice touch. How did you get it without your mom knowing? I highly doubt she bought it for you or approved of it."

"I'm homeschooled, remember? I have a lot of time on my hands."

Jessica looked confused.

"I made it," Kelly laughed, "It wasn't hard, either. I just hope Tyler notices me for once."

"Well, it's not like you've ever really seen him in places where he could give you any notice. If only you could come to school with us."

"Yeah, I know. This whole thing with my dad has my mom all freaked, though. She barely lets me leave the house to get any fresh air anymore."

"That sucks, major. Well, here we are, my friend. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life," she said dramatically, "Your initiation party. Complete with Tyler's brother's college friends."

"Here goes nothing," Kelly said, walking in step with Jessica up the front walk to the door, passing a few people who were on the lawn, either just chatting or making out.

After entering the house, Kelly felt instantly like a grownup. She saw some teens from Jessica's class mingling with an older, college boy who was telling a story while holding a football. When she looked to her right, there were some college girls with more of Jessica's classmates around them, dancing and playing WII games. Then, she locked eyes with Tyler who was standing near the staircase in the back corner of the open room.

Tyler smiled and waved and Kelly returned the greeting, walking forward to meet him.

"Hey, Kelly, I'm glad you could make it," Tyler said, "This is my older brother, Spencer. He's the one who organized this whole party, so, be nice."

Kelly giggled and shook Spencer's hand, "Nice to meet you. Nice party."

"Thanks, kid. Hey, Ty, make sure your friends steer clear of the booze in the kitchen, kay? I don't want to be responsible for a bunch of minors drinking."

Tyler nodded and Spencer walked off to lock lips with one of the dancing girls. Kelly smiled, then looked around, "Nice house," she said awkwardly, "I haven't seen your mom or dad, though. Where are they?"

"Thanks. My parents are away for their anniversary, otherwise we wouldn't be having a party. I love my brother and all, but I wish he'd have asked permission first."

"It's okay. It just adds to the fun."

Tyler smiled, "Hey, do you want to sneak a drink while Spencer is with his girlfriend?"

Kelly smiled mischievously and nodded, "Sure!"

Tyler led her into the kitchen and poured her a small glass of a yellowish, bubbly substance. Kelly was uneasy about drinking it, but after seeing Tyler pour himself one, she felt better about it and drank along with him. After a few gulps, she felt sort of dizzy and wild. Her mouth was on fire and her head felt as if it were spinning.

Suddenly feeling daring, she faced Tyler and said, "So, listen, um—I like you. A lot. I was wondering if you'd want to hang out sometime."

Tyler smiled, "Is this the booze talking, or Kelly?"

Kelly shrugged, "A little of both, I guess," she said, her face feeling flush.

"In that case, I'd love to," Tyler replied, reaching his hand up to grasp Kelly's cheek which he used to aim his kiss to her lips. Kelly's stomach fluttered and she felt both excited and ill at the same time.

When Tyler pulled away, Kelly smiled, but it soon turned into a sort of grimace.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just feel sort of woozy, is all. Probably just the booze not feeling right in my stomach. Where's your bathroom?"

"It's down the hall, last door on the left. Do you need me to get Jessica or something?"

"No, no, it's all right. I'll be fine." She managed to muster a smile and kissed Tyler's cheek before she headed for the bathroom. Halfway there, she felt as if she would throw up at any second. Just before she toppled over from dizziness, she was caught by a pair of strong arms that guided her to the floor, gently.

Looking up, she saw a blurry face and heard a chuckle, "Lucky for me, you can't handle liquor in the slightest."

"I'm fine," she slurred, "I just need to get back to Tyler. Tyler!" she tried to call out, but a hand was placed over her mouth.

"Shh, shh, it'll be okay, kid. I just have to get you outside, then you'll be just fine."

Kelly felt herself being carried through a dark room and then felt a cool breeze on her face and bare arms. Within a minute, she was outside, and relieved to be there. The cool air on her face made her feel better.

"There, see? Now, just drink this and you'll feel better."

Feeling the rim of a cup on herlips, she opened her mouth to receive the tasteless liquid. Before she fullygained consciousness from her dizzy spell, she felt her head spinning more. Shesaw flashes of a few faces in front of her and a few shouts before she blackedout completely.    

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