Chapter Eleven

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Dear Ms. Virginia,

There is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it plainly and simply. We found Kelly. She was here, in Massachusetts, living under harsh conditions with a man named Mr. Quin Peters. He has been on our radar for a while as a potential Pimp to women and we have recently put out an APB in order to find him.

I want you to know we are doing everything we can to find him because of the unfortunate event of his moving. As soon as he caught wind of us, probably from Kelly telling him where she had been, he fled, taking Kelly and another girl with him. We are tracing him as best we can, but he has a record of being able to cover his tracks.

I want you to know that when I saw Kelly in my precinct, she was healthy and Mr. Peters seemed to be treating her well as long as she was obedient. You may be thankful that you raised an obedient girl because it could be literally saving her life right now.

We are going to find your daughter again, Ms. Virginia, I promise you that.

Best regards,

Detective O'Riley

P.S. We have enclosed a copy of the note Kelly had written us, coded to tell us where she was. I hope you find some comfort in having proof of her being alive. As you can see, we found out who she was by the message encoded in this statement. You have a smart daughter, Ms. Virginia.

i was walKing the strEets, waiting for a date, when the cop dragged me in. i've been Living with mr. p who feeds me and cLothes me. sure, i'm a prostitute, but i chose to be one, i'm living with mY pimp who cares about me and keeps me safe. this statement is to say that mr. p is a good man and i will go on liVIng with him as long as he chooses to keep me. no Regrets. GivIng my statement is the oNly way I could get out of this room, so there you hAve it. now you can go to HELl, Please.


*K e l l y V i r g i n i a — H e l p.*

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