Chapter Sixteen

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The ropes left burns on her wrists and ankles from all the pulling and her voice became raspy and hoarse as she slowly gained it back. The healing period was long and excruciating, but came about slowly and surely.

Kelly's father visited her in that room where she lay, pinned to the table, and examined his handy work with pride nearly every day. Kelly could not describe the amount of anger and hatred she felt for the man and wished every, painful death upon him.

Kelly's skin scabbed and hardened in an attempt to heal, a painful process and an uncomfortable one.

One day, when Kelly's father came into check on her, she had managed to pull free of one of her bonds and when he got within range, she kicked him as hard as she could.

"You little bitch," he said, picking himself up and walking toward her, "What makes you think I won't open these sores again?!"

Kelly pushed at the gag in her mouth as if begging him to take it out so she could finally give him a piece of her mind. He seemed eager to hear what she had to say, so he pulled it out of her mouth.

"You will burn in hell and I won't be sorry. You deserve eternal damnation and I hope to God you get it you complete demon!" Kelly screamed with a deep, hoarse voice.

After a few seconds pause, her father looked at his watch, then at her again, "Is that all? I take your gag out...for that?"

Kelly was fuming with anger, but it turned into pain when her father took a wire brush and slowly dragged it along Kelly's burned thigh. She seethed with pain and anger, trying not to give him the satisfaction of a scream, which is what he really wanted to hear.

"Isn't there anything else you'd like to say? No? Okay then, I guess I'll be going."

He started to put the gag back in her mouth and walk away, but Kelly turned her head to stop him, "Who's Kyle?" she asked.

"I knew you'd figure that out eventually. He was Francine's and mine. She wanted to call him Scott, but I liked Kyle better. Even though he was illegitimate, she couldn't help but love him. I didn't want him, I only wanted girls. That was only one of the reasons your mother left."

"You said she took all four of us. Where's Kyle?"

"Ask nicely and I may fill you in on that little detail."

Kelly refused to ask him nicely, but instead, demanded to know.

"If you can't remember your manners, I'm not telling you jack," he replied, yanking the gag back into Kelly's mouth and walking off, leaving her alone yet again.

Kelly was left alone a lot and during those times, she spent many hours contemplating. She contemplated her life, she wondered what it would be like had she not sneaked out to the party that night. She wondered what Francine and Trace and her mother were doing while she was laying there on a table, naked and burning. Her skin oozed puss and blood on occasion, but by the constant itching, she knew it was beginning to heal.

Her arms and legs strained against the ropes that refused to give, causing her to occasionally scream in pain from not being able to scratch the itches. The whole time, though, Kelly kept it in her mind that she knew it was healing and it would all be over eventually. She would one day look back on all of this and be thankful for whatever she was doing because nothing could be as bad as what she was enduring at that moment.

"You ready to use your manners, bitch?" Kelly's father asked one day as he came to re-tighten the ropes on her wrists and ankles from any loosening she may have done in the night.

Kelly thought quickly of a way out of her situation and hated herself for thinking it, but slowly, she nodded.

"That's what I like to hear," he slowly took the gag out of her mouth and she licked her lips and cleared her throat. "You trying to say something, dear? Let me help you with that dry throat."

Kelly choked on the water that suddenly doused her face, but she swallowed some and was grateful, "Thank you," she said as sweetly as she possibly could, but her teeth remained clenched out of anger, "I would like to ask you something, if you do not mind," she spoke deliberately.

"What would that be, dearie?"

"Well...I am a woman," she began, trying not to cry, though she felt she might anyway, "I have needs," she seethed, "I was wondering if—when I'm better—if you would not mind..."

"I know where you're going with this," her father interrupted, "I've been waiting for you to realize how much you want me. When you're feeling better, I'll give you the time of your fucking life."

"Thank you," Kelly said, "Now may I have some more water?"

Just as she thought, another large cup of water was poured over her face and she opened her mouth, swallowing as much of it as she could before it splashed past her face and dampened the floor.

Such a waste of perfectly good water.

Kelly lay, closing her eyes and willing the itching to stop so she might have a few hours peace so she could rest. She didn't dare let herself fall asleep and after a while, it became easier, but she still longed to rest comfortably as she did in Mr. P's house as long as she brought in enough money.


Kelly thought to herself.

Ninety-Seven windows. And none in this room. What are the odds?

Escape was impossible,death would be a mercy, but still, fate did not grant her what she wished,though she knew she deserved it at this point after all she'd done.880ZwS����

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