Ch 9: Questioning

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Statement #3438

Name: Sarah Quincy

Issue: Abduction

Notes: ...

"I was playing with my kitten in my yard. I was wearing a bathing suit because I'd just been playing with the sprinkler. This man saw me and pulled up real slow in a car out front. He got out and said he was a friend of my daddy's. I didn't doubt him, but I backed away because he was getting closer. It was getting close to dinner time so it was darker outside, but anyway, he grabbed me and shoved a cloth over my face. I passed out and when I woke up, I had no idea where I was. I was wearing new clothes and my hair was brushed and I have no idea how, but then I saw her...his daughter, I guess...She was cleaning in the room I was in. I asked her where I was and she answered with, 'I can't tell you anything except that you'll be just fine as long as you speak.' I asked her what the heck she meant and she just said 'speak' over and over again. Later, I found out that if you didn't speak, and if you just mumbled or didn't got beaten...I learned quickly."

Statement #3439

Name: Daniel Sims

Issue: Possible abductor

Notes: ...

"My little girl likes to go for walks...She'll grocery shop for me or just walk around, so I didn't question when she went out the other night. Her mother died when she was young, you see, so she didn't have many playmates or female companionship growing up. Anyhow, she occasionally brings home friends and I don't question it. This one seemed different, though. She seemed forced and edgy. I didn't think much of it because I know my daughter is edgy herself, but now I see why. I had no idea she was this disturbed to have kidnapped a friend for herself. I'll be putting her into therapy and helping her past this."

Statement #3440

Name: Kelly Sims

Issue: Possible Abductor

Notes: ...

"I-I- It a-was m-me. I-I t-rook h-her."

"We understand that, but why?"

"You kno-know wh-why..."

"Yes, but we want to hear YOUR part of the story. You seem nervous, are you afraid of something?"

"She's afraid of a lot of things--"

"Please, sir, with all due respect, can you remain quiet? Go on, Kelly."

"I'm L-Lon-lonely."

"She gets lonely because her mother is de--"

"Officer, please escort Mister Sims from the room. Thank you. Now, Kelly, you seem very edgy and nervous. Is there a real reason behind this? Perhaps you are mistreated? Perhaps you have a deeper emotion besides pain from losing your mother?"

Kelly remained silent.

"Okay, let's try this. We know you didn't take her. Who are you covering for and why? Is it your father? Did he take her?"




"Suffering? Kelly, what are you talking about?"


"Are you getting all of this? Maybe it's an algorithm?"


"Depression, love, hope? What are you talking about?"

"Do you think she's lost it?"

"I don't know."


Kelly remained quiet for a few seconds before repeating the words, whispering them quietly over and over again. She couldn't tell them anything, but maybe they'd translate the nonsense words into a meaning. Maybe they'd care enough to investigate.


"Why are you sad, Kelly?"

She shook her head, repeating the words: pain, suffering and hurt, then started over. saying all of them.

"Okay, you may go, Miss Sims, but if we need to find you...don't go anywhere. We'll get to the bottom of this."

They let her go, thinking she'd lost it and was just a psychopath. She was immediately picked up by her Master and practically dragged to the car. He brought her back to the house where she was punished and beaten, then forced to pack her belongings. They left that very night, flying to New York City. Kelly cried silently the whole flight, terrified as to what was to become of her. She was jealous of that girl who has gotten freed and wished she could jump from this plane with no parachute so she could end all this suffering.

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