Ch 15: Hell

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*six months later*

"We have an excellent turn out today! Twenty two young girls who are waiting backstage to be claimed, and let me tell you, they are a bountiful crop, if you get what I mean. Let's get started..."

1. Annie, 12, sent to a heavy smoker and sexual abuser.

2. Ashley, 12, sent to a husband and father of five who wanted a slave for fun.

3. Britney, 15, sent to two gay men for fun.

4. Bailey, 13, sent to a lesbian woman.

5. Bobbie, 13, sent to an old man.

6. Cate, 18, sent to a lesbian.

7. Cindy, 18, sent to a lesbian.

8. Cora, 12, sent to a single father of eight who needed a slave.

9. Finley, 11, sent to a drunk man.

10. Gina, 20, sent to a married man as a slave.

11. Hannah, 18, sent to a married man as a slave.

12. Hailey, 13, sent to a lesbian.

13. Jasmine, 17, sent to two men.

14. Jennifer, 19, sent to three brothers who wanted fun.

15. Kelly, 14, sent to:

"We have a wonderful applicant here. Look at these large breasts, the slender legs, her excellent figure. She'd be a catch like no other. Probably the prettiest I've seen so far, but quiet and doesn't talk back. This sounds like a wonderful match for any man. Can we start the bidding at eight hundred?"


"A thousand!"

And so the bids climbed, much farther than she was really worth.

"SOLD, for three thousand eight hundred to the young man in the plaid!"

He came forward and paid and claimed his prize, leading her quickly out the door. Once in the car, he said, "Laying some ground rules. You'll be a maid for me, cooking and cleaning so my wife can care for the kids. But while she's working nights, you'll be my personal slave. Call me Sir while working and Master while performing, got it?"

"Yes, sir," she answered. Inside she was screaming with anger and heavy sadness. She'd have to sneak around this man's loving wife and pretend all was normal for at least a year, maybe more. She knew the kids would be the hardest part.

When she met them the next day, she found one was 15, one was 10 and the last one was 6. The six year old was a little girl with red curly hair and a pacifier. Kelly knew the pacifier was because she was insecure and felt unwanted. Despite her situation, Kelly wanted to do everything she could to make that little girl happy.

Dear, Diary,

I don't get much time to write in this while I'm working and apparently I work days and nights now. It's terrible. I want to get out of here and I want to go home, but I'm not stopping there. I'm going to make it so no girls ever get taken again. They're practically hunted and they have no say in anything. Few are willing, but that's based on their home lives and that's their business, but most...most are torn away from their families and friends with no chances of escape.

I tried escaping once...I was beaten and raped so badly that I couldn't even sit up for a week. I can't even imagine the punishments other girls have to suffer.

And Samantha, the one girl who was caught on the phone, calling for help, she was put in the basement until she died of hunger and dehydration. A long, slow, painful death. I can't imagine. But on the other hand, death sounds like a way out. It sounds like a good way to become free of this bondage and slavery we must endure. I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid to be tortured, raped, beaten, and starved to death. A quick, sudden death wouldn't be as painful as all of this.

But if I die, I won't be able to make a difference. I won't be able to help the other girls, and I won't be able to see my family again. No. Unfortunately, death is not an option.

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