Chapter Fourteen

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Knowing one is unconscious but being unable to do anything about it is the true meaning of feeling trapped. Kelly felt this as she lay in an unknown place, pain pulsing in her head and jabbing her ribs.

The first real thing Kelly was able to consciously perceive, was a slow, steady beeping sound. Soon, her brain started connecting the dots and she listed a few possibilities of what the sound could be from.

Within a few hours, but what felt like days to a half-conscious Kelly, the beeping grew more erratic. She was waking up.

Suddenly, Kelly was aware of everything at once. A bright light in her eyes, her memories flooding back like a tidal wave and her body aching and throbbing, then hands all over her. In a panic of feeling she was being raped again, Kelly tried to scream and lash out, but only felt more pain piercing through her body with every move she made.

Then, everything went black again.

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"She's sedated. She should sleep for a while longer."

"Put a twenty-four hour watch on her. I don't want her escaping or harming herself in any way until we get the full story, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Notify me immediately when she is awake and able to answer some questions."

"Yes, sir. Linda, you take first shift, make sure she doesn't harm herself again and if she wakes, get me immediately."

"Yes, doctor."

"Agent Quin, if you would follow me."

Agent Quin followed the doctor out of the room, "What is it, doctor?"

"I just wanted to let you know that the man lived. The one she harmed. We found out just before I came down here to check on her and found you. We were able to stop the bleeding and patch him up before it was too late. He's lost a lot of blood, but he'll survive."

"That is good news for her. She will no longer be charged with man-slaughter. If the stories are true."

Agent Quin stood for a moment, collecting his thoughts, then he chuckled, "You know, it's kind of funny in a sick way. How mad must a woman be to cut off a man's genitals?"

"It's going to be hard for him to live without. It'll cause a lot of pain for him in the future, but I believe the girl was justified. Given the state she was in when she was brought in, I believe she'll be fine in court."

"She may not have to go to court if we can get the full story out of her. Will the pain meds mess with her story, do you think?"

"I don't think so. Not once she's fully awake and functioning."

"Good. I'll be in touch."

"Agent," the doctor stopped Agent Quin from walking away, "Do you know who she is yet?"

"No. We do not. We're running her face through our software, but it could take a while. It hasn't been long, doctor. We'll let you know when we find anything out."

"I understand. I just feel the family should know as soon as possible. If she has one."

"I understand. I will be in touch, doctor."crS�/�M

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