Chapter Nine

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The week that followed her rape Kelly spent a lot of crying. Finally, after the third day of crying and being told by Mr. P that she needed to man-up, she decided to numb herself to the pain by drinking whatever Mr. P had in the fridge. Most of it was cheap beer, but it fogged her brain enough that she didn't think about what had happened to her much.

Even though she felt numb to her rape, Kelly still spent every night in the shower, crying and trying to get clean from what had happened. Somehow, she still came out of the shower feeling vile and disgusting, not wanting to be in her own body anymore.

One day, two days before the big surprise Mr. P had planned for Kelly, she drank a little too much and went crazy. Her 'crazy' didn't show on the outside. It happened mentally and after a fit of fighting and screaming at herself in her mind, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Mr. P arrived home from work that day to find his walls covered in blood.

Letters spelling out, "My life is hell," covered the walls. He found Kelly, passed out on the living room couch, one hand bleeding and a knife in the other. It took her twenty four hours to wake up and when she did, Mr. P was so angry that she had almost killed herself that he punished her. He punished her in the vilest way possible. Making her clean up her own blood from the walls without having eaten or drunken anything, and then having at her on the couch before leaving her, unconscious from the loss of blood and pain.

Kelly had tried to take her own lifeand failed, and the blood stains on the walls would be a constant reminder thatshe had failed, and she was unworthy. She felt she had nothing else to livefor. Her mind and soul seemed to leave her and she became an empty shell, lostand suffering.    

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