Ch 1: Homework

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"Kelly! Wake up, kiddo! The sooner you get your homework done, the sooner we can go do something fun!"

Kelly smiled at her mother's persistence and rolled off her bed, thumping to the floor. She walked down the hall to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Occupied!" her older brother called from the shower.

"Can I just come in and brush my teeth?" she called back.

"If you hurry! I'm almost done!"

She hurriedly brushed her teeth and hair, then exited, going downstairs for breakfast. She saw her mother had set out her school books on the table and sat in front if them with a moan.

"I hate homework," she said, "It's so boring to sit here and do homework all by myself all day long."

"You know why I pulled you out of school, and I'm not sending you back until you're older."

"Mom, just because dad was released, doesn't mean he'd come after me--"

"Kelly, can we please not talk about this right now?"

She sighed, nodding as she opened her book to begin.

"Four hundred and thirty eight divided by ninety six..." she groaned again, but took out her notebook and pencil, getting started.

"Hey, kiddo, that's supposed to be a two, not a three," her brother pointed out as he walked in.

She looked up at him and smiled, "Liar. You're trying to make me second guess myself."

He tapped her nose, "Can't fool you, can I?"


"Where's Fred? I was supposed to drive her to work."

"FRANCINE," Their mom corrected, "Is getting dressed. She'll be down in a minute."

"Trace, can you help me with this problem?" Kelly asked, pointing with her pencil.

"Sure, kiddo. Do you know how to do area?"

Kelly shook her head, "That's what this lesson is on..."

"Okay, first..." he described to her how to do the perimeter, then area of rectangles while she listened intently. She longed for a real school setting. The interaction between student and teacher, as well as classmates and friends her own age.

"I think I understand now."

"You can do this, Kel-Kel. It's not that hard."

He stood up from where he was kneeling and went to grab his keys, "Fred! hurry up, you're gonna be late for work!"

"I'm COMING!" she called back.

Trace chuckled and went to kiss Kelly goodbye, "I'll see you later today, kiddo. Be good and do all your homework and don't talk back to momma, okay?"

"Okay. But don't forget the cookies for ice cream sandwiches tonight."

He smiled, kissing her forehead, "I won't."

"You ready?" Fred asked Trace as she finally appeared, dressed and ready for work.

"Yeah," he replied, "I'll be in the car."

"Okay. Hey, Kel, have a good day, okay? I'll see you tonight for ice cream sandwiches and a movie, yeah?"

"Yup!" Kelly answered excitedly. Her sister kissed her forehead and said goodbye again before leaving.

"So, what do we have planned after I finish?" Kelly asked her mother.

"I was thinking I'd take you out to get new shoes, but at this rate, you'll never be done."

Kelly excitedly finished her homework and got dressed, not bothering to put her curly hair up before running out the door.

"Kelly!" her mother called.


"Come back here and let me fix your hair. It's a mess!"

She groaned, but ran back inside, letting her mother braid her hair before pulling her back out the door with her.

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