Ch 17: Wrong

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"You've been with me for almost a year now, Kelly!  you should know my rules!"

"Yes, Master, I'm sorry, Master. I'll be more careful next time."

"You'd better be, unless you want to starve!"

Kelly nodded and began cleaning up her mess. He had been undressing her for some fun and she tried to run away and knocked over a lamp, breaking it. He yelled at her for running and she began crying as she cleaned up the glass that had cut her leg as it broke.

When she had cleaned up, she went back and lay next to him.

"No, not tonight, go away, bitch. You've spoiled my mood."

Kelly nodded, apologizing again, and left the room, rushing to take a shower. She cried as she cleaned herself and washed the cuts on her legs. She cringed at the tingling and throbbing of the water against her scrapes.

She sat down in the shower, stopping the drain from draining and letting the tub fill up. She waited until it was filled almost all the way, then she stopped it. She listened to the silence for a few minutes, the clock ticking away.

"It's the only way," she whispered, "I have to. It's the only way."

Just as she was about to dunk herself under and take a few deep breaths, when there was a faint knock on the door.

"Kelly?" a quiet voice sounded. It was Dee. She was Kelly's kryptonite.

"Yes, Dee?" she whispered back.

"Are you almost finished? I have to go pee..."

"The curtain is closed, kiddo, you can come in as long as you don't look."

The door slowly creaked open and Kelly heard Dee's bare feet against the floor. She waited as the young girl did her business and washed her hands.

"Kelly?" she asked before leaving, "Will you play Barbie's with me tomorrow?"

Kelly paused, stopping herself from bursting into tears.

"Maybe," she replied hoarsely.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Kelly. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Kelly whispered back. When she heard the door shut, she started crying again. She hugged her knees and cried, wanting so badly to end the pain, but knowing she couldn't. Not as long as little girls like Dee existed could she complete the task.

"There HAS to be another way," she whispered, "There has to be..."

The next night, while she was kissing her Master in his bedroom late at night, she put her plan into action. When he asked her to please him, she purposely did it wrong, hurting him instead. He got angry and beat her, sending her away before they had finished.

She did this more each night and each night he got angrier and beat her more. She didn't care as long as she didn't have to sleep with him. Her idea was to make him hate her so much that he sold her at the upcoming auction. She knew about he auction because of the letters he'd get in the mail from a blank return address. She could only hope that he sold her so she had at least a chance of getting out of there. Her only setback was Dee. She longed to remain with her and eventually save her from her evil father, but she knew she couldn't help everybody, especially while still in bondage herself.

"Kelly," her Master said to her one night as he lay beside her, "You're losing your touch. I think I need new blood. How would you like to be sold to someone else?"

"You're asking my opinion, Master?"

"No. I'm sending you away anyway. I just wanted to see you beg to stay."

"Oh, Master, don't send me away. I love it here. I love pleasing you and I love--"

"Save it, bitch. We both know you hate it. You deserve somewhere where they have the time to punish you every time you mess up. You've been a good servant, but the amount of mistakes you've made make you NOT worth it. The auction is Friday. You're leaving and I'm getting some fresh meat. Who knows, maybe a blonde this time, with larger breasts and a little more to work with than you have. But...if I don't find what I want, I have three daughters to choose from."

Kelly was appalled, "You sick bastard. How DARE you think of abusing your own daughters!"

"Talk back to me one more time, I DARE you."

Kelly was enraged, so she continued. This time, instead of beating her, he tied her hands and legs to the bed and raped her harder and faster than ever before. With every movement he made, Kelly attempted to cry out in pain. She, of course, was unable to, because she had been gaged with the bed sheets so every sound she made was muffled.

When he finished with her, he dragged her, bare naked, to the attic, where he tied her up and left her.

For days she lay there, crying and sweating from the intense heat. She was unable to call for help and was scared as to what he'd do if she did anything. She could hear only through one vent in the floor. She heard half of conversations and explanations as to where she went and that she wasn't ever coming back. She also heard him telling his wife he loved her and he'd get her another maid soon. This made Kelly so angry she could have killed him. The only way she could calm herself was by making mental notes of things to write in her diary someday.

Dear Diary,

The pain, the heat, the utter anguish of laying here with no cover. The horrid excuses this man comes up with. The lies. The pain he's putting his family through. It's almost more than I can bear. I hope I die up here. I hope I never live to another auction.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Friday came and late at night, he came up to retrieve her. This time, she was not given clothes, but she was bathed and shaved and brought to the car. He drove her to the auction and led her inside. She felt vulnerable and scared, but had to endure it, hoping to someday soon get out of it.

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