Ch 11: Awoken

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Sirens blared, tires screeched and guns fired before Daniel Sims was overtaken. He was dragged out of bed where he had been sleeping with the recently raped young girl. She was cuffed and bleeding all over in the corner while he slept in his big, warm bed.

The young girl was clothed and brought to the hospital while Daniel Sims was thrown directly into a jail cell, pleading innocent.

Meanwhile, Kelly's savior was sitting at her bedside, watching her sleep peacefully. She slept continuously without interruption and without dreams for five days. When she finally awoke, she was fed, given medicine to help with the pain, and then left alone.

While she was alone, her savior walked in with a dunkin donuts bag and a coffee, "Oh, you're awake...Uh...No one told me... Sorry I had to leave, I needed coffee desperately. How are y--"

As he walked towards her, she recoiled, backing away from him, "Wh-who are y-you?"

"Oh, right," he backed up, "I'm sorry...I-uh-I'm the one who put you in here technically...I hit you with my car by accident when you came run in out of that house."

Kelly looked panicked, looking around for her Master who she knew had to be nearby, "Where is he? He's going to kill me! he's going to kill me!"

"Kelly, calm down! No one is going to hurt you! He was arrested! Kelly!"

A few nurses ran in and quickly sedated her so she slowly drifted off. As she did, he walked forward bravely, taking gentle hold of her hand. She recoiled, but he held it firmly, gently, but firmly.

"Who are you?" she whispered.

He grinned sideways, "I'm Peter. Peter Jefferys."

Kelly nodded, looking deep into his brown eyes as she drifted off. Her eyes fluttered shut and she lay, asleep yet again.

"Why did she freak out?"

"She's been sexually harassed by a man who forced her to call him her 'Master' and she's very untrusting at the moment. We've tracked down her family based on her DNA samples and we've found them living in Virginia."

"Will you bring her family here?"

"No. We've notified them that we are sending her home to familiar surroundings where she can get used to feeling safe again.

Peter nodded, "May-May I escort her home? I don't want her to be alone."

"I think that's a wonderful idea," the kind nurse said, "As soon as she has her strength back, you may take her home."

He smiled and looked at Kelly's sleeping face. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before standing up. He stroked her cheek and said, "I'll be back tomorrow. Sleep well, My Angel."

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