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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well! I have a few things I'd like to say, first of all, thank you all for 16,000 reads! It's absolutely insane, and I'm extremely grateful for all the constant support you guys have given me throughout my time on WattPad. I have also started a new book, 'Avengers Preferences', I would love it if you guys would check it out! This week has been very hectic, I've been involved in a production of 'Oliver!', I was working backstage as a member of hair and makeup, which was definitely an experience I'll never forget.

The last thing I would like to say is: Rest in peace Anton, your talent, kindness and compassion will be severely missed. You've made us laugh, and you've made us cry, may your light continue to shine.

~Sam xx



I amble along the lit hallway, a spring in my step for once. I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask Tasha out. I can hear my heart thumping in my chest, and I can almost taste the sheer anxiety that's travelling round my shaky body. What if she rejects me? I shake my head and realise that I'm standing behind her door. I raise my hand to the surface; I can hear her vinyl spinning round on the record player, her voice softly singing along to the smooth music. I bring my hand to the door, about to knock when I hesitate and allow my arm to fall down to my side. Come on Barton. I inhale before raising my hand once more and knocking gently. The vinyl stops playing. Footsteps. The door swings open. Tasha stands before me wearing a little black dressed which is embellished with sequins and gems. "Woah, Tasha, you look amazing!" I gush, taking in the pure beauty in front of me. Her nails are painted black and her makeup is dark and seductive. "What's the occasion?" I question, tearing my eyes away from hers.

"I have a date!" She grins, excitement flooding her voice. Tasha grabs her clutch and grips it in her left hand. A date? The whole world crumbles around me. I feel as if a close friend has just shot me in the heart. The news hits me hard, knocking the air out of my lungs, my brain confused and damaged. All this time I thought there could be something between us. Every day for the past ten months I've been thinking about the possibility of us having a future together. Clearly, I was wrong. Why would she feel the same way? I'm nothing. She can do much better than me.

"Have a nice evening." I try and sound positive as I trudge back along the lonely corridor with petty tears filling my eyes.

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