•You Can't Break Us• Part One

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A/N: Hello! My school broke up for Christmas Break today! Which means I'll be writing FanFiction non stop. So this was kinda emotional to write. There'll be two parts to it and I hope you enjoy it! This parts quite easy on the feels but the next one tore me apart to write. Enjoy!

Clint's POV

The sound of sobbing awoke me. I rubbed my eyes wearily, it took a while for them to focus on the walls of my bedroom. The neatly painted doves on the walls calmed me. I turned to the left and saw Natasha hugging her knees and crying into them. "Tasha?" I sat up and rubbed her shoulder and patted her red hair. She turned around to face me, her eyes all red from crying and her rosy cheeks streaked with tears. "Tasha?" I said again, more sternly this time. "Clint." She stuttered quietly. She moved her knees revealing a large red stain on her white pyjama top.

I rushed out of the room and shouted. Everyone would still be asleep but that didn't matter. "HELP!" I screeched so loudly that my head pounded. "Please! Natasha's hurt!" No one was coming. "BANNER!" I shouted. Shit. I didn't mean to say it like that. Tony came out of his room at the same time as Bruce, who was just putting on his glasses. "Dude what's up?" Tony asked. I ignored him. Bruce pushed past us and into the room. "I need my umm bag. Under the bed." Bruce ordered Tony. Tony was out with rapid pace. Steve ran into the room and sat by Natasha. "Natasha I need you to stay with me." Bruce said calmly. She fixed her bloodshot eyes on me. "Tasha who did this?" Steve asked holding her hand. The colour drained from her face turning her white as a sheet. "Bucky."

Steve stood up with shock and paced around the room. Tony came in with the bag just before Thor stumbled in half asleep. He knocked into the wall which made the room shake. "Steve. Go look around." I didn't even need to explain what or who to look for, to Steve. He went out with his head in his hands. "I'm going to need you to lie down Natasha." How was he staying so calm? I helped Natasha lie down like Bruce asked. Tears filled my eyes. Bucky. He did this. Where was he now?

Steve's POV

I couldn't believe it. Not my Bucky. I walked around the lonely corridors of the Tower. I heard a scraping sound quite near. Some scratch marks on the wall. His metal hand. Why would he do that to her though-

Clint's POV

A low scream echoed through the Tower. Steve. Another scream. A woman this time. Tony stood up with a jolt. "Pepper." He mumbled. He was out of the room in a flash. He was taking us out one by one. Bruce was still seeing to Natasha. A stab wound was located on her stomach. Luckily she hadn't lost much blood. We saw to it straight away. "I will find Steve. Bring him back." Thor boomed. He grasped his hammer tightly and went out. A few minutes later he came back dragging Steve's body. "It looks like he was knocked out." Bruce mumbled. "Maybe an injection?" He questioned himself. "Same with Pepper." Tony appeared holding Pepper in his arms. Where was he. "She needs to sleep." Bruce said to me. "If she wakes up give her the drink on the table." He started to go out. "Where are you going?" I asked curiously. "I need to find something." I didn't even try to stop him. He could defend himself. Natasha was sleeping, a few sweat droplets danced across her face. I heard a scraping noise coming from the window. I walked over and opened the curtain. Scratch marks. He was close. The door slammed shut. I turned around. Thor gasped and grabbed his hammer immediately and Tony shielded Pepper. Steve lay lifeless on the floor. "How pleasant to see you again."

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