The Wedding Of A Hawk And A Spider

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A/N: Hey y'all! How are you? Can I just say a humongous thank you for 3K reads! I wasn't expecting to have 3 let alone 3K! Anyways in this chapter we celebrate a Clintasha wedding. I hope you enjoy! Please go check out my new FanFiction titled "How It Began" It's my spin on what I think happened in Budapest. Remember to Vote, Comment, Recommend and Enjoy!

Natasha paced around the room, her head in her hands. "Chill out Tasha, it'll be fine, you'll have a great day and then you can proudly say-" Natasha interrupted Pepper "that I'm a married woman?" Natasha questioned Pepper. "Look sweetie I'm just trying to help. We don't have much time, the wedding starts at three and its twelve now! We need to eat-" "Pepper I'm not hungry!" Pepper rolled her eyes. Natasha slammed the door revealing a beautiful white dress hanging behind it. She sat down. "I don't think I'm ready for this Pepper." Natasha sighed, Pepper put a hand on her shoulder "C'mon I think there are some sandwiches downstairs..."


"How do I look guys?" Clint posed in front of the mirror, tying up his tie. "You look great but not as sexy as me brothaaaaa" Tony pouted playfully. "Why did I pick you all for my Best Men." Clint muttered as he put on his cuff links. "Because I'm Tony Stark and the others are, just here, I erm guess." Tony fiddled with his tie.
"WHERE IS THE COMB!" Thor shouted knocking off items from the shelves. "Dude please stop with the shouting." Bruce sighed. "It's all right for you to say, you don't have luscious golden locks that need taking care of. All you do is ruffle up your hair." Thor parted his hair with his hands. "Yup you're right." Bruce ruffled up his hair. Thor sighed. "Steve give me the comb." Thor walked up to Steve who was combing his hair neatly. "Wait I'm nearly done." Thor shifted from foot to foot. "I need to comb it whilst the gel is still damp!" Thor boomed.


Pepper switched on the hair dryer when a beautifully dressed woman stepped into the room. "Hey Maria, come in." Pepper smiled. "How are you Nat?" Maria asked. Natasha glared back at her. "Oh, I'm guessing the nerves have kicked in." Maria whispered to Pepper who nodded. "I was just on the phone to Steve and he told me that Thor and Bruce were having an argument about hair, Clint and Tony where bickering about who was sexier and havoc is going down." Maria sat down on the bed. The hair dryer dried Natasha's red hair. Pepper curled it with curling tongs and then got a paintbrush out. "What's with the paintbrush?" Natasha questioned. Pepper dipped the paintbrush in hair glitter and stroked it along one small section of Natasha's hair. "There all done. Now for the makeup-"


"Guys we need to get going." Tony shouted. "Thor isn't ready. He's claiming that because of our incompetence his hair has not set properly." Bruce imitated Thor. Tony rolled his eyes. "Thor we need to go!" An angry Thor exited the bathroom. "My last hour of freedom." Clint sighed. "You don't have freedom now, it won't be much different when you're married." Steve said putting on his shoes. A car horn sounded from outside. "The cars here!" Clint panicked.


Natasha pulled on the White dress and looked at herself in the mirror. It was reasonably plain aside from the swirl of sequins going up the dress. Pepper fixed her veil, and Natasha slid on her shoes. She breathed in heavily. "Right. Let's go."


Clint stood by the altar next to Tony, Bruce, Thor and Steve. Clint had a red rose in his blazer pocket whilst the others all had white. The vicar started to set up and the guests arrived. Music played. "Where is she?" Clint yelped nervously. "She's probably just fixing her hair or something. Breathe." Tony advised. Ten minutes later the vicar approached Clint. "If she doesn't arrive in the next five minutes I'm afraid I'll need to go."

One minute

Two minutes

Three minutes

Four minutes

Bang on five minutes Natasha appeared at the end of the church, linking arms with Phil, who had kindly agreed to walk her down the aisle. Pepper and Maria trailed behind her wearing matching red dresses with their hair done in loose plaits. Natasha beamed and her smile lit up the entire room. She gracefully glided up to Clint where Phil left her side and joined the Best Men. The vicar droned on and on with the service. "I give you this ring as the token of my love..." The rings were received (thankfully not forgotten by Steve who was checking his pocket every two seconds to make sure they were still there.)


"I know pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the Bride." Clint and Natasha looked into one another's eyes. It felt so real and comfortable. Like it was always meant to be.

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