Holiday Part 3 (Last Part)

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Natasha drove swiftly along the roads back to the Tower. Clint had the radio booming a mix of his favourite U2 tracks. He rolled the windows down and the cold air shocked him. Having spent so long in a boiling country, they both expected to find the U.S. freezing. "That was a good trip." Natasha smiled, watching Clint drumming his fingers in time to the music. "I agree. I don't think I've ever been more relaxed." Clint rested his head on the head rest and put on his sunglasses. "It's freezing and you're wearing sunglasses. Can you even see the sun? It's hidden behind the clouds!" Natasha sighed. "Sunglasses are cool." Clint shrugged. With Or Without You came on suddenly and Clint perked up getting ready to sing. Natasha had her shoulders pressed up to her ears to block out the sound of Clint's awful singing.

"See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I'll wait for you

Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you

With or without you
With or without you

Through the storm, we reach the shore
You gave it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live with or without you"

Clint bowed in his car seat as Natasha slowly lowered her shoulders. She pulled the car into the car space marked with her initials. Home. "I have to admit, I kinda missed them." Natasha sighed yet again, as she clicked off her seatbelt. "What, even Tony?" Clint said sarcastically, also getting out of the car.

The doors opened automatically and Steve greeted them happily at the door. "Welcome back Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton." J.A.R.V.I.S said before Steve could get a word in. "D'you want any help with the bags?" Steve pointed to the pile of cases by Natasha's leg. "Thanks Steve." Clint said, clapping him on the shoulder. They walked into the Tower. "I'm going to go freshen up, plane journeys make me all sweaty." Natasha stated before running up the stairs to their bedroom. Clint took a few bags and bought them inside. "How was it?" Steve asked. "Good thanks, managed to persuade her to wear a bikini." Clint giggled slightly. "Really? She is soooo self conscious of that scar." Steve questioned. "Well some bitch made a remark about it whilst we were on the beach, but when we told her who we were she literally ran away." They both took the bags upstairs and sorted all the dirty washing into piles. "How have the driving lessons been going?" Clint asked. "Oh God don't talk about the driving lessons." A figure appeared behind them. "Tony how are you!" Clint exclaimed, standing up and hugging his good friend. "Good good. Geez you're clingy today." Tony pushed Clint off him. "The driving lessons were ok." Steve shrugged. "Pfft no they weren't." Tony argued annoyingly. "Fine then, so what I ripped the steering wheel off no biggy." Steve looked embarrassed and left the two friends. "He ripped the steering wheel off!" Clint sniggered. "I know right! The woman teaching him bought him back and said she wouldn't have him back." Tony and Clint loaded the washing into the machines.

"What is life." A depressed voice sounded from the kitchen. "What's with Bruce?" Clint asked. Tony looked away from the TV. "He had to have some stupid meetings with Fury." Clint scrunched his face up, he did this when he was confused. "Y'know the whole 'threat' thing." Tony prompted. A crash sounded from the kitchen. "I can't even stack mugs." Bruce moaned. Clint stifled a giggle. Tony pushed him. "Shut up!" He whispered. Which only made Clint giggle more. "And apparently people laugh at me now. Great, something else I need to deal with. But wait! I guess I won't even deal with THAT properly." More shouting from Banner. "I'm guessing the meeting didn't go exactly how he wanted it to then." Clint stated quietly. Tony nodded before turning his gaze to the TV. "Vote Kiera off vote Kiera off!" Tony chanted. "What the hell are you watching?" Clint asked. "Americas Next Top Model." Tony said calmly. "May I ask why? You have a super hot girlfriend!" Clint shouted playfully. "Yes I know that-" Tony said "-but the problem is my 'super hot girlfriend' was the one that got me addicted in the first place!"
A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for 800+ reads! I really hope to get 1000 by Christmas! The photo at the top made me smile, it's just so cute! I truly enjoyed writing about Clint and Natasha's holiday, but that was the last part. My next part is coming along slowly but I want it to be funny, so I am working extra hard on it. Remember to vote, comment and give criticism! Have a nice day! ~Sam

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