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Hey everyone! It's been a long time... I've been back at school for seven solid weeks and I'm currently on holiday (TWO WEEEEEKS!!!) but despite being on holiday, my school decided it would be a wonderful idea to award us with a shit load of homework. Anyways, I got my first ever request from Belle_G34 :Clint and Natasha fluff almost and in a relationship, while training new shield recruits.

So here it goes!

I hope you all enjoy this part, and please remember to comment, recommend and vote, and if you have any requests, requests are open, so go ahead and leave them in the comments or private message me :)

~ Sam xx

*Natasha's POV*

Clint walks into the training session with a stupid grin plastered onto his irritatingly beautiful face. His chiselled jawline is hidden by a long white beard. I'm talking a foot long beard. A midnight blue wizard's hat is perched on top of his caramel hair. "Barton," I spit after telling all of the newly recruited S.H.I.E.L.D agents to take a break, "What the hell are you playing at?" The recruits file away into their own friendship groups, some drinking large amounts of water, some collapse onto the floor. "You were meant to be here half an hour ago!" Clint and I have been awarded the joyous task of training the new recruits, which is all well and good until your partner refuses to turn up on time.

"Hey calm it Romanoff, its Halloween!" Clint says, waving his arms about in the air mysteriously.

Harshly, I tear the wizard's hat off of his head and hand him the stop clock. "Focus." I state, blowing the silver whistle to gain the attention of the recruits. "For this task I need everyone in teams of four." I instruct. "Anderson can you work with-" I'm interrupted by an item falling onto my head. The wizard's hat. An eruption of laughter follows. "Barton," I whisper, "I swear to god if you-" I stop myself as I look up at Barton taking off the white beard. "Don't you dare." I say, glaring at him. It's too late. The beard has now been placed on my jaw. The hat on my head.

"Hey what have you done with my pal Natasha?" Clint questions, looking directly at me. The recruits are all laughing hysterically, and I can't help the giggles that rise up my throat.

"Screw you." I speak lightly, taking off the hat and beard and passing them back to Clint when a piece of paper slips out of the hat.

"Oh, I forgot, this is for you!" Clint hands me the paper.

I take it.

"A Halloween party? Barton, you know that's not really my thing..."

"Come on Romanoff!" Anderson yells out in the midst of the recruits.

I turn to face the recruits, a small smile on my face. "Take off guys, enjoy the evening, after all, its Halloween!" The recruits cheer and thank us before wading out of the enormous, white room full of training equipment.

"So... Is that a yes?" Clint questions, trailing his foot along the floor awkwardly, like a small child would.

I look at the piece of black paper once more, the white text instructing me to 'NOT DRESS SEXY.' And anyone who does dress sexy must 'GET CHANGED.'

"You can dress sexy if you want... Not saying that you're not sexy anyway..." Clint rushes, "It's at Tony's." He covers up awkwardly.

"Tony Stark is asking people to not dress sexy? It's a miracle!" I laugh.

"Pepper made the invites..."

We stand for a few moments in complete silence, but it's not the awkward kind. It's the kind of silence which is more reassuring and comforting than awkward and uncomfortable.



"Do you want to go together maybe?" Clint looks at the floor like an embarrassed child.

I can see his cheeks blushing. Maybe it's the temperature? Then I realise that I'm blushing.

"That sounds nice." I smile sweetly before rushing out of the room and calling out, "Pick me up at eight, don't be late!"

"Don't worry. I won't be." Clint smirks as I dart out of the door and into the busy corridor.

As I'm walking towards the car park I get intercepted. "Tasha, are you going to Tony's Halloween party tonight?" Bruce asks me, his white lab coat slung over his shoulder.

I can feel my cheeks flushing as I say, "Yes. Yes I am."

*Don't forget to leave any requests*

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