Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

"Good morning, lesbians!" Dinah came booming into Lauren and I's room, waking us up. "After Normani finishes up glam, it's your turn, Mila," she sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Dinah, it's so early," I groaned annoyed, tossing and turning.

"It's only like 4 and we have soundcheck in about 3 hours so we gotta hurry up. Clarissa is on a roll," she nudged and I noticed her mouth was full of food since I could hear her chewing.

"What are you eating?" I asked while my eyes were still closed.


"Get me one?" I asked.

"Fine," she sighed. "And I'll leave you alone with your woman. She was probably going to come at me anyway," she got up and left the room.

"Thank you, babe," Lauren muffled against the pillow.

"You're welcome," I softly chuckled. She was thanking me for getting Dinah out of here quickly so she wouldn't have to do it herself. Trust me, it would've been ugly.

Lauren and I got our of bed and did our normal morning routine of brushing our teeth, hygiene things, getting dressed, and eating breakfast together before glams. We had to eat in our hotel room of course since we were about to go to the Rockefeller Plaza to perform on the Today Show.

It was also going to be the day we perform "BO$$" for the first time on TV and promote it around New York City on the Ride of Fame bus travels. It was a big red bus and the seats had our names and faces on them which was really cool.

"Okay, how do I look?" Lauren asked, coming back into our hotel room.

All the girls and I had finished hair and makeup and were now going to be rushed out the door at any minute by Janelle and Steven.

"Umm, hot," I checked my girlfriend out, staring down her beauty from head to toe. I was hit with all kinds of tingly, exciting feelings by looking at her luscious straightened hair, gorgeous face, and jaw-dropping outfit. Especially her white pants with the black stripes on the side. I knew she had to hide her member by tucking it in tightly with a gaff so it looked smooth in the front, but those pants still fit her in all the right places.

A/N: If you don't know what tucking is in this case, look it up. Transgender women and drag queens do it.

"Really?" she chuckled with a smirk.

"Yeah, you do," I bit my lip. "I think you need to turn around so I can make sure the backside looks nice too."

"If you say so," she turned around, giving me the beautiful view of her ass. Yep, all the right places indeed.

"Looking very nice. I approve," I inched closer to her.

"Now, let me look at you," she wanted and I slowly spun around for her.

"Damn, I have the hottest girlfriend in the world," she practically groaned while staring.

"No, I do!" I argued.

"No, I do!" she tickled me on the sides and we started to playfully fight but ended up kissing. I could never get enough of her nice soft lips. The only lips I ever kissed and ever wanted to kiss as I felt like they were only made for mine and mine were made for hers. My arms moved up and around her neck while hers were on my waist. I didn't want this moment to end since we had interviews today and we wouldn't be able to even look at each other.

"I wish we could just stay here and cuddle," Lauren breathed after pulling away.

"Me too," I looked down sadly.

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