Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

Devastated was an understatement. Beyond an understatement. After Lauren broke up with me and left to go out with her friends, I sat in my room on the floor, shocked, scared, and shattered.

"W-what? What the fuck do you mean you're breaking up with me?" I stammered, my heart beating so fast and my head spinning like crazy.

"I'm breaking up with you, Camila, or I at least can't be with you right now. We need some time apart for a little while so that you can learn to be honest. When you think you're ready, let me know," Lauren explained and walked past me out of the hotel room door.

I didn't know what to do with myself; I just cried. I almost cried myself to sleep until Dinah heard me and came into my room to hold me. I cried for a good, straight five hours and then fell asleep with her after my tear ducks finally dried out and she had a few words with Lauren.

I've never been more sad about anything in my whole entire life. And call me dramatic for it, but you wouldn't understand. I love so incredibly hard and with Lauren, it's so intense that I can't even explain it. She's like my person. The only one I could ever see myself spending the rest of my life with. She's the one...forever and ever. And when she just said that to me, so cold and insensitive, I felt like I just lost everything. Because she was my everything.

It was like I was looking at a completely different person. I wasn't looking into the same sweet green eyes anymore. And the worst part was, was that just minutes before she just flat out said that, she was fine. During the award show, she honestly led me to believe that nothing was bothering her, I wasn't bothering her. She was being all touchy and nice, and then she just goes and does that to me. Who the fuck does that?

And now I sit here, still hurt but more numb from all the ache in my heart, watching my ex-girlfriend or whatever she is, go about her life all happy and healthy. It's like she's not even affected by this break up or break at all. She's literally being so rude and immature about it and not even talking to me. I mean, I knew she wouldn't talk to me but just flat out ignoring and avoiding me at all costs is very childish in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I completely hear her out. I get why she's mad as she deserves to be. I was so disappointed in myself too for not telling her the truth and I'll admit it. But just the way she's handling it, really surprises me. I never thought she would just decide to casually break up with me and not work together to make it better. It just makes me re-think her intentions of our entire relationship. Did she really care about me?

"I'm just really upset and angry at this point," I told Taylor as we were out to dinner at Katsuya.

"So, she just dumped you just like that?" she asked.

"Yeah, for no reason...well, for a reason but not even a good one."

"What happened?"

"A lot that's a crazy mess...but how she's handling it is irritating. She's just being an asshole and it pisses me off. Both at the Sesame Street shoot and the iHeart Awards, she ignored me and stayed away from me like I was some disease."

"Wow, that is rude," Taylor furrowed her eyebrows.

"I know. I hate working right now because I have to see her," I shook my head, sighing.

"Yeah, your situation is harder because you have to be around your ex on a regular basis while with mine, I never talk to them again."

"Lucky you," I huffed. "Well, I don't know if she's actually my ex since she just said she wanted to take a break."

"Either way, you're not together so she's your ex," Taylor said.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"Is there anyone else who you're interested in?" she questioned, taking a bite of her salad.

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