Chapter 11

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Camila's POV

"Okay, ladies, today's the day!" I announced to the girls on the first day of The Reflection Tour. We were in San Fransisco Bay Area, ready to kick it off. "Our first headlining tour. Who's ready?!" I eagerly clapped my hands.

"I am!" Dinah shouted, giving me a high five, as she was the only one who responded.

"Guys, come on, you never listen to me!" I whined to them while they were getting their hair and makeup done.

"Camz, I'm ready," Lauren sat in Clarissa's makeup chair and reached her hand out to me.

"Thanks, baby," I kissed the top of it.

"Hey, watch yourself. Camera's are all around us," Clarissa said, pointing at the camera man. The Awesomeness TV camera guys were here and they were going to be with us all tour long. It was kind of annoying since Lauren and I were going to have to go back to "avoiding" each other. But a deal's a deal, one last tour with them and then we're done for good.

"Whatever. That's what editing is for," I placed my hand underneath Lauren's chin and she smiled at me.

"Sweetie, you look amazing," Lauren cooed, looking at my outfit.

"Not as amazing as you, lovely," I smiled back and quickly pecked her on the cheek before running away from a mad Clarissa.

I was super excited to be headlining the tour with the girls for the first time. It felt like we were getting to a place where we're more well known. "BO$$" and "Sledgehammer" have been doing so well that I believed that this was only the start. Reflection just came out and there's still so much more potential for it.

We were going to be recording our next single's music video, "Worth It," in just a few days and seeing the positive response from it already makes me hopeful for it to be a hit. It made me so happy to know that our group was fast on the rise.

After a very nerve-wracking but awesome first show in the Bay Area, I was ready to sleep for days. But unfortunately, this was only show 1/23. We were going to be at it almost every night for the month of March so my time for sleep was gone. That also meant less sexy time with Lauren, but I wasn't going to let that slide.



Lauren's POV

"Good morning, birthday girl," I hummed to Camila, waking her up. It was only March 2nd and her birthday was March 3rd, but I still liked reminding her that her birthday was just around the corner. Last night at our show here in LA, the girls and I surprised Camila with a cake on stage. It was a blast and everyone at least had some cake on them by the end of the night.

And now here we were, sleeping in our usual LA hotel room before having to go to a music video shoot. We were shooting the music video for "Worth It" which was going to be a lot of fun. It was supposed to take all day because we only had today to do it. We had zero time what with being on tour so it was definitely going to take hard work.

"It's not even my birthday yet," Camila mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"I know but it's almost your birthday," I kissed the top of her head and combed my fingers through her hair.

"Thanks, baby. I'm just so tired," she groaned in her sexy morning voice.

"Me too and today's gonna be more exhausting," I rolled my eyes, thinking about how hard it was going to be. We had to get up right now, 8 AM, to go to the shoot for glams and wardrobe, then start at about 3 PM, but video shoots were always unpredictable.

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