Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV

Tomorrow was going to be the best day of my life. Well, the second best day of my life since the first best day was when Camila became my girlfriend. But tomorrow was when we were going to be performing on the red carpet of the VMAs!

The girls and I had been preparing for this moment for weeks now and we hoped and prayed everything went smoothly. We had a pretty cool performance all set up and it was going to be so much fun to show everyone.

"Alright, I think I need to do something different to be honest," I told our hairstylist while I was sitting in her chair.

"We could cut it?"

"No! I'm never having short hair again. I did that once in middle school and there's no way in hell I'm going back to that," I pointed at her in the mirror with a serious face.

" about...a different color?" she suggested.

I thought about it. I did have brunette hair almost since birth and the biggest moment in my career was tomorrow so maybe I should color it differently. It'd be a new me.

"Okay, let's dye it black," I smirked and she went to work.


"Damn, girl, you look fine!" Normani hollered as I showed her my new dark locks, strutting downstairs to meet the girls in the hotel lobby.

"Hella fine!" Dinah added.

"Thanks," I beamed at the two and saw Ally sitting down all alone. "Ally, what do you think?"

She just gave me a thumbs up.

"Ally, what's wrong?" I moved to sit down on the couch.

"Unfortunately, Ally's voice hurts," Dinah answered, sitting next to us.

"Aww my little AllyCat," I hugged her, resting my head on her shoulder. "Hopefully you feel better cause girl, you need to hit that high note."

"I know," she croaked.

"Aww, Alz!" I cradled her again.


"So, we're rehearsing on the pre-show stage today till we get it down, MTV might want to talk with you. Then, we go to the dance party in Hollywood. Awesomeness will be there so put on your smiley faces. Then, we're done and we rest up for the big day," Janelle finished going over the day's schedule.

"Ooooh I'm nervous," Camila shivered.

I heard my phone ding with the notification that I had a text message. I opened it up and was instantly shook.

"Lauren? I said I was nervous," Camila beckoned me. "You're supposed to tell me I'll be fine?"

My eyes were still staring at my phone and I just could not speak.

"Earth to planet green eyes!" Camila yelled now lifting my chin up to look at her.

"W-what? What?" I stammered in annoyance, pulling away and crossing my arms.

"Damn, never mind," she turned around and walked away. I looked down at my phone again and unlocked it to see that my ex-girlfriend, Keana Issartel just texted me.

305-763-8906: Hey it's Keana! I'm in LA with Vero, wanna meet up?

How was this even happening? I was surprised she had my number since it's been changed a few times over the past couple years. And I sure as hell didn't have hers. I guess Vero gave it to her since she and I still talked sometimes. But why Keana? Why was she contacting me besides knowing that I was in LA? And what the hell was she doing in LA? It's been almost 2 years since I've seen or talked to her and I was utterly confused.

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