Chapter 22

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Camila's POV

"Do you think we could actually pull through?" I asked Lauren while we were laying in bed, looking at all the votes on Twitter with #WorthItVMA.

"I think...I don't know though. Damn 5SOS boys," she sighed, eyeing her computer screen.

"At least the fans like my rap," I giggled.

"I liked that too. Camilli-Camilli is the best in the rap game," she chuckled.

"Hmm, I love you," I leaned my head on her shoulder, cuddling up.

"Oh yeah? What do you love so much about me?" she bit her lip so attractively, staring straight into my eyes. The feelings in me came all too quick.

"I love how you make me feel," I pushed her laptop off her lap and climbed on top to straddle her. I quickly leaned in, capturing her lips in a rough yet passionate kiss. Her hands went to my waist, sliding down to grab my ass while I slid my tongue into her mouth. We moved together in sync as I tried to move my hips into hers but only to have her head turn away.

"Camz, I'd love to but..."

"Why not? We never do it anymore," I frowned. Sex almost every other day became almost every other week and I was going crazy.

"I know but we don't even have time," she removed her hands from my backside to gently scoot me off of her. "It's VMA day and we gotta get ready."

"Then tonight?" I hoped with a smirk.

"We'll see," she winked and went off to the bathroom.


Narrator's POV

"Oh my God, Mani, your wig," Lauren approached Normani while she was getting last minute touches to her VMA look. The whole team was of course running around like crazy even though the girls were not doing anything at the show but attending in their non matching outfits.

"It looks good, right?" Normani tried fixing the short pixie cut wig before she looked at her best friend.

"...Yeah," Lauren lied with a false smile.

"Hey, by the way," Normani leaned in close to her. "Shawn's gonna be at the awards tonight and you know what that means."

"He is?" Lauren's eyes went a bit wider. She was a little more worried than before since Camila was up all night last night on FaceTime with him again for the ten thousandth night in a row. She didn't catch what they were talking about since she was too tired to fully listen but it annoyed her. All she could remember was Camila playing some of her guitar and then speaking something Spanish. But why was her girl so interested in this kid and taking all her time away from her? This was Austin all over again.

"Yep, so be careful," Normani warned.

"Great," Lauren sighed and looked toward her girlfriend in a not so loving way.

"Ready, girls? We're about to start," Grace announced for them to get situated for Romeo's Saturday Night Online AskAnythingChat taking place in one of the typical hotel rooms they got ready for award shows in. It was a dim setting as all their other rooms were with art hung up on the walls and a couch underneath.

"Heyy," Camila smiled at Lauren but she walked past her.

"Let's just get this shit over with," the older girl mumbled angrily.

"Something wrong?" Camila followed after her.

"Nope, nothing at all," she smiled falsely once again. "You look cute," she looked down at Camila's white lace dress.

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