Chapter 23

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A/N: I'm sorry 😔

Narrator's POV

Clara: "Why are you so sad, Mija?"

Lauren: "I-I," she was full on sobbing and couldn't calm down. "C-Camila-"

Clara: "What's wrong with Camila? Did something happen? Wait...please do not tell me she's pregnant."

Lauren: "Mama-"

Clara: "Lauren, are you freakin' kidding me?! What have I told you?! What I have I told you about safe sex?!"

Lauren couldn't help but roll her eyes at her mother going off on her in Spanish. This was was absolutely ridiculous.

Lauren: "She's not pregnant! Chill!"

Clara: "Oh, thank goodness. Then, what's wrong??"

The two ended up talking for two hours about everything. It shook Clara up a little bit since Lauren hadn't talked to her like this in a long time and never knew she was going through such a tough time. But she was happy that her daughter finally came to her and made even more plans to discuss it further once Lauren returned home in a few days.

But in the meanwhile, Clara gave Lauren some great advice. Advice that Lauren would think about and consider for a little while but something she agreed that she must do.



Camila's POV

It was the first of the month and while I was happy to start a good day of work, something told me that this September was going to be hard. if the past couple months on tour weren't hard enough. I was emotionally exhausted and tired of my heart feeling well...tired.

I luckily got some rest in the wee hours of the morning before the girls and I had to go to our Latina Magazine cover shoot. We were also going to announce the dates for the European Reflection Tour on Snapchat! But I was really nervous about seeing Lauren after the past two days of barely even talking. We were more of a mess than before.

At the shoot, we were all dressed in beautiful outfits; fur coats and dresses that looked amazing. The one who I thought looked the most beautiful of course had to be Lauren in her coat, vibrant magenta dress that looked so good on her body and skin, and gold dress with her hair in a high pony. I wanted to compliment her but the shitty thing was that she didn't speak a word to me during the whole shoot. She didn't even glance at me. I mean, I didn't either but I was scared to make the first move just in case she was pissed which she was.

A/N: Let's just take a moment to appreciate this masterpiece

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A/N: Let's just take a moment to appreciate this masterpiece

And it wasn't just her giving me the cold shoulder but the other girls too. Dinah gave me the most acknowledgement but it was only for the cameras. She was all over Ally, Normani, and Lauren but not me. No one even wanted to pose with me so I just stayed by myself.

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