Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

I went back onto the bus after our radio performance here in Phoenix. The other girls were at catering but sometimes I just liked being alone. So, picking up the book I was currently reading, I got lost in the story once again. But I was only a few minutes in before I heard someone come inside.

"Hey, Ralph," Dinah opened up the curtain of my bunk.

"Hey," I greeted, eyes still on the novel.

"Mila's wondering where you are," she said.

"Well, I'm here," I replied monotonously.

"Put down the book," she snatched it out of my hands.

"Dinah, what the hell?!" I tried to grab it but ended up falling out of the bunk.

"Look, I know this isn't your favorite tour but Mila's still your girlfriend and she loves you," she argued while I tried to regain consciousness and stand up.

"It's just kind of hard to be around her when there's already every guy on this tour trying to flirt with her," I glared, trying my hardest not to raise my voice.

"But it's not like she cares—"

"You're right, she doesn't. So, she thinks it's fine and just plays along with it," I cut her off.

"Come on, Lauren, you know she would never flirt back. You know damn well she wouldn't do that to you. It may just come off that way but that's because that's her personality, she's just super nice to everyone. It's just like how Ally is. Maybe not as much but she's already friends with Austin so she's obviously going to be really nice to him," she explained.

Ugh, I always hated when Dinah was right and I wasn't because it just made me look bad. But it also sucked having such a kind, sweet, and beautiful girlfriend who attracted so many people. Ever since we began touring with Austin Mahone, The Vamps, and Shawn Mendes which has only been for a few days, she liked to hang out with them a lot and they definitely liked to hang out with her. More so Austin because she seemed way more flirtatious with him.

They've been friends for a while but now that we're on tour with him, they are closer than ever. And it's fine like, I'm not mad about it but it just kind of worries me whenever he looks at her with such eyes like how I look at her. I know he likes her and as Camila's significant other, shouldn't I be concerned? I think I have a right to.

"I'm just...just worried," I uttered to Dinah.

"Don't be, Lo," she pulled me in for a hug. "Your Camz loves you. She loves you so much. Trust her, alright?"

We did the show later that day and it was all good. I tried to not think about Camila too much but it was a struggle. We barely talked all day since she's been with him. But I had to take Dinah's word and trust her. I loved Camila too much to not at least try. I guess that's the difficulties of dating a bi girl.

Camila's POV

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Austin asked me as we were both in his dressing room. He was on his segway while I was on the couch. The girls and I were already supposed to be back on the bus to go to LA since we had a show there the next day, but I thought I could take a few minutes to at least say goodbye to Austin. "I mean, I bet you have so many guys trying to impress you."

"Oh, you'd think that? Well, there's not," I laughed. "And I don't have a boyfriend."

"Hmm, okay," he smirked. "Not even Shawn Mendes? He seems like a major flirt."

"Nope, I haven't really talked to him all that much, but he's nice," I responded.

"Well then, we should hang out more. You know, after the tour since we're so busy already—"

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