Chapter 28

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Camila's POV

Things could not have been better between Lauren and I. Ever since the EMAs, we've been getting along way better. I mean, it's only because of the sexual tension but it's what's working so I'm not complaining. During car rides through the city, in interviews, and pretty much just in general was Lauren next to me. She barely ever left my side since the last night we were together. Things were finally shaping up in my favor.

Fifth Harmony was just about to have a fan event with Mega Star Spain including an interview and acoustic performances while here in Madrid. There was an audience full of excited fans who were so amazingly passionate, especially at the show last night. We just couldn't wait to interact with them after waiting such a long time.

"Sit next to me?" I asked Lauren right before we were about to go on stage for the event.

"Of course," she smiled lightly and we walked together outside to greet everyone.

Throughout the event, I caught Lauren looking my way a few times. She smirked and smiled at me, talked to me sometimes, laughed at my bad jokes, and even gave me a high five. I couldn't keep my eyes off her either. Her long brunette hair fell along her shoulders and back perfectly and her bright green eyes were striking. It was like she had a new look to her. She looked healthy and happy and so beautiful. Looking at her, it felt like falling in love all over again.

"Why are you so smily today?" I chuckled at Lauren's big grin while we were in Home Economics class. The seventh and eighth graders had to take this class during either year so Lauren and I got to be in it together.

"I... uh," she giggled with a very noticeable blush on her cheeks. "I just had my first kiss."

My eyes widened and heart dropped instantly which almost made me drop the spoon I was holding, "What?"

"Serena kissed me just a few minutes ago in the courtyard," she explained. "It was so unexpected."

I furrowed my brows as my heart ached, "Are her?" I hesitantly asked.

"Serena? No way," she laughed. "It was just quick and simple kiss. Didn't really mean much," she shook her head and grabbed the mixing bowl from me to stir the cake batter.

"So, you don't like her?" I asked quietly.

"Nope," she smirked, relief washing over me. "There's someone else who has my eye." Panic hit again. She was not making this easy.


"Well," she stopped stirring to add the chocolate chips while I watched her intently. "She's a cute little Latina who has brown hair and brown eyes..."

"There are tons of girls like that in this school, Lauren," I hit her arm playfully. "Come on, you have to tell me!"

"Ehh, you'll know sooner or later," she shrugged.

It was all I kept thinking about. For days, weeks, and months I kept guessing and questioning who Lauren liked. I gave up when she got her first girlfriend in high school a year later which saddened me tremendously. I wanted Lauren to like me so bad that I would've done anything for her to see that I was the one. I fell harder for her every day and knew that I wasn't ever going to stop. Lauren would always be my heart.

I snapped out of the flashback just in time for us to perform "Worth It" acoustically. But during the performance, I couldn't help but imagine Lauren and I together again. I used to be the luckiest girl in the world to have her and if we just worked on bettering our relationship, I could be myself again. I'd have my everything back. But right now, all I could get was for her to be mine physically in bed. On this bright side, however, no matter where we stood relationship wise, she didn't avoid me by standing or sitting somewhere far away. She was next to me.

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